Fix-It Friday - 11/3/2023

Fix-It Friday Callout

Well my Forum friends, we made it to Friday! :grinning:

You know what that means. it means it is time for this month’s Fix-It-Friday callout! :tada:

If this is your first Fix-It Friday, welcome! For background, while our communities are not designed to be a replacement for Wyze Support , our community members and community managers do our best to help you out here. As our communities scale up, we want to make sure that any outstanding bugs or issues that you folks are facing are on our internal radar and that we’re transparent in our process of working on them.

Here’s how this works:

  • We’ll make a post on the first Friday of the month in every community (Core Community on Facebook, Forums, Reddit, and Discord).
  • Check the comments. If you see any other comments with issues that you’re facing, vote for them with a like (the heart button at the bottom of their reply)
  • Got something new? Reply to our post with the top issue that you’re facing this week with your Wyze products to help loop us in.
  • We’ll grab the top comment from each community and make a follow-up post on Monday to detail what those issues are and how we plan to fix them. If we need more info from the community to help figure out what’s going on, we’ll let you know on Monday - so please make sure to take a look!
  • The following Mondays in the month, we’ll be posting updates about our progress on Fix-It Friday submissions.
  • Sometimes Mondays are actually Tuesdays if we don’t get all the info we need on time for posting on Monday. Our apologies! :sweat_smile:
  • Remember, this is for existing things that aren’t working right. If you are looking for a new feature or for us to add functionality that’s not already available, please use our Wishlist instead!

We’re constantly working on improvements for everyone. But we hope that this process will both help us prioritize issues that are important to our communities and help you feel more in the loop.

Got a request for something new or an additional feature? Check our Wishlist to see if it’s in the works or has been requested. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you want to see how this works, you can check this previous Fix-It Friday post:


I think a very popular topic is going to be the recent (in some cases - forced) upgrades that resulted in many bricked cameras.


Pan V3 disconnected again, already.

Log: 1223137

You already have my MACs.

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Older Wyze white bulbs, the 2019 version, will not connect to any networks.
I believe it may be changes to the app.
I am using the same network, same APs, same password, and WPA2, not 3.
There is no IPv6.

I helped a friend change their password on their network, then went around and re-added all their devices, Wyze and non-Wyze. Everything connected fine except their 2019 bulbs. I replaced their bulbs with the newer bulbs that I believe are Bluetooth, and they connect fine.

I brought their bulbs back to my house that has not had the password changed, nor any network settings, and NONE of them (8) will finish the connect process.

I really believe this is an app issue. It does not work on my Androids using latest beta, and it does not work on Apples with latest Non-Beta app. I know it is the app, because I still have 2019 bulbs in my house all over the place that are still working because I have not had to re-set them. So the bulbs have no problem communicating with the network in it’s current state.
If someone does the magic on-and-off 3 times, I will be screwed.

Please test at the Wyze labs and verify if the latest apps can add 2019 bulbs, and please fix it when you see that you can’t.

Don’t break the app, and then try to get us to buy newer bulbs. This is not good for customer service, and surely not for me letting people know if they should buy your products. My friends received their Wyze products for free from me, and they are currently not a Wyze fan because of this issue.


Face Detection is not working on lots of cameras for people who have Cam Plus Unlimited

Review this thread starting around here:

For me, I am having problems on the following Cameras:

  • 4 out of 6 V3Pros (I finally got 2 of them to work)
  • Any FLPros
  • Any Battery Cam Pros
  • WCO’s (coming in an app update)
  • VDBv2
    Others confirm having problems with most of the above too.

I haven’t confirmed either way on:

  • OG
  • PanV3
  • Pan V2 (I think it works on this)

I have gotten it to work consistently on:

  • V2’s
  • V3’s
  • Pan V1
  • VDBPro

However others have had problems with many of the above. I think people have reported issues with every single camera model so far, though some will randomly work so I think it’s something in the app or the back end.

I have tried doing it on every camera model multiple times and waited days in between. I have tried on Android and iOS. Nothing works, it’s totally random on some models and nothing at all on some models, but most cams don’t work for most people.


The Thumbnail Show is not working correctly with mine and some other users Wyze Cam V3s. Sometimes (majority of the time so far) it doesn’t load at all and sometimes it will only load a handful of events before it shows the same event recording over and over again. I did not experience this issue previously in the beta when it was pre released. This is an extremely helpful tool that I’m glad Wyze implemented!


It is an app issue. Verified it by rolling back to a previous beta which allowed older devices to connect.


No forced firmware upgrades. I have specific versions for a reason.

See this post as evidence of forced upgrades:


Alexa and DoorBell that works FOR ME.

Streaming to the Doorbell on my Echo Show 5 2nd Gen… does not work…

Waiting For Wyze… several gyrations… then… HMmmm the camera is not responding…

FIRMWARE is FULL UPDATE to the Alexa one before, and the MANDATORY ONE :frowning: :angry:

I CAN get the Show to respond with “Person Detected” but is very delayed. It will so play the chime I set via Alexa for a ding dong event (pun! :slight_smile: :wink: ) Streaming of the camera does not work. ie: Show the doorbell… gives the above results.

This is on a DEDICATED 19VDC Power supply, NOT A DOORBELL transformer, powered a ring doorbell before wyze, mine is long gone ,or well the wires for it…door upgrades took that out…years ago… Matter of fact there is a Wyze Outdoor outlet plugged into this same outlet below the camera/doorbell… and it has happily worked for 2 years sitting on the ground… about time to put it back to FT use with Xmas coming up… Santa on, deer on!


Any resolution this would go a long way to cooling off my rage between this and the mandatory firmware move! Don’t do that again! I don’t care how important you or your lawyers think it is!

Hi WildBill,
Yes, app issue.
Wyze should not make it an unofficial self help solution to get their Wyze products they have purchased installed.

I understand that older Wyze plugs also have this issue, where you have to connect to their built-in wifi in order to push your home’s network info into it.

Wyze should publish an official older version on the Android and Apple stores to allow users to load that version without having to resort to technical solutions like apk, setting phone or tablet to allow installs from untrusted sources, etc.

This version should also be able to be loaded parallel to the newest version, so their customers don’t have to have a separate device use just to connect their paid for products.

Name it something like Classic, Legacy Installer, etc.

Having to jump through hoops to both find an older version, all the extra steps of how to load that older version, then have to uninstall it and put the more up-to-date, other bugs fixed, and more secure current version, is not good customer service.

I still love my Wyze, and would not go to all the trouble to even write this post if I thought it was crap. But this is too easy to fix for them.

  1. Offer official older versions that can co-exist be installed directly from the “play stores”. The work-around already exists here.

  2. Fix the current app quickly. They already have the code from the older versions that do work.

  3. Stop breaking things!
    How is it that the quality control and testing is so lax?
    OK, here is what you do, it may be novel, but here goes:

a. Make a spreadsheet or something with a list of devices and features of what you offer and support… All the Wyze devices, and all the OSs the apps run on.

b. Test every single line on that list. (WYZE should be Alpha testers!)
Does it still work? Put a check mark on it.
Doesn’t work? Send back to developers to fix it.

c. All lines on the spreadsheet tested and has a checkmark on it?
Publish it to your loyal Beta testers.

d. All lines not tested? Then continue testing!

If you fix a piece of firmware or app software that deals with a display issue, that doesn’t mean that you don’t test if the app will still connect to your devices, or even install/add all your devices. You test everything when you make a change to something.

Then, what do you do when you discover you let something through the cracks out to your customers?
You contact them!
Actually send the registered users of the affected products a notice directly from Wyze customer support!
You let them know what happened, and what you are doing to fix it.
And what the valued customer can do in the meantime to get by.

You do not let them find out by digging through forums and hearing from non company people that “yea, they know about it, they are working on it”…



Yep, the thumbnail show worked flawlessly on an older app but the latest one and all the v3s don’t show any events.


There are multiple issues going on with the V3 cams right now on the server side. Not only are the Events slideshows not operating correctly, many V3 Cam Rule Automation Upload Event Push Notifications are failing. The problems started when the V3 cams were updated to the newest firmware with the security updates. I haven’t had the time yet to test motion and Smart Detection Events Upload Push Notifications. Perhaps later today.


Several users have indicated that Event Videos played in the App Events Viewer are stuttering when being played but ONLY when they are being recorded and uploaded by the cam WITHOUT audio. Enabling the Record Sound feature in the Advanced Settings Menu appears to fix the Event viewing stuttering.


Can someone explain what that is supposed to do? Someone tried to explain it a few weeks ago and it made no sense and as I understood it, did not do anything.

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It’s essentially a slideshow with the thumbnail from all events in the past 24 hours. The Thumbnail you see in the events page is the same ones used for the slide show. It moves at a steady pace which I find is just about the right speed. There’s also a timeline tab that you can jump to the event from the thumbnail on the timeline. It seems to be an alternative for high speed scrubbing in my opinion.

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How are you supposed to get to it? As I recall from a few weeks ago when someone explained it, the answer either made no sense or did not work.
And yes, I have the latest beta on all camera types and the latest beta app on both iOS and Android.

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In the events tab of the app you click the little square looking thing at the top right

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This is the button you press to access the thumbnail show


The Event Report button gives you insights into a Cam’s daily activity. It will only show you one cam at a time.

It also appears that this feature only applies to AI Smart Detection Events as those are the only Events I have seen populated. I do not see any Motion Events in my Event Reports even though I have all filters Off and record all Motion Events. I have not yet confirmed if it shows Cam Plus Lite Person Events or how it reacts in cams without a subscription.

The Thumbnail Slideshow automatically plays a quick thumbnail slideshow of each tagged Event throughout the day, much like a Timelapse, but slower and only snapshots of each Event object that was tagged.

The Timeline feature lines all of these events up in chronological order in the Timeline and allows back to back playing of each event one after the other without gaps, much like it would if playing Event Recording from the SD Card. Or you can skip to the next event or the prior event.

The Event Report graph shows you a graphic representation of the amount of events on that cam by day and type.