Category | Topics |
Wyze NewsDiscover all the latest news coming from Wyze Labs! Note: Posting new topics is restricted to Wyze team members but everyone is welcome to leave comments.
CamerasWe’d love to see you post about your camera products! Fun videos, mysteries to solve, and stories about your camera experience should be posted here.
SensorsWe sense that you have some great topics to share here! This is separate from the Wyze Home Monitoring service but is a place to talk about Wyze Sense products like motion or leak sensors.
Power & LightingHas Wyze been lighting up your life? Do you feel empowered by us? Either way, please talk about Wyze lighting and power products here!
HomeLive, laugh, love your Wyze products! Please talk about home products like vacuums and thermostats in this category.
LifestyleWe won’t judge your Wyze lifestyle but we’d love to hear about it! If it’s about our audio or health products, please post here.
Services & IntegrationsWe are at your service with our integrated Wyze experience! Conversations about topics like Cam Plus, Wyze Home Monitoring, Alexa, or Google Home go here.
Wyze AppApply yourself here to create and discuss topics about the Wyze Application. Android or iOS, this is the place to talk about the Wyze App for stuff that doesn’t relate to any particular Product or Service.
Wyze AIPump up the smarts in this AI category by talking about our AI development in general! This is separate from our services channel. Topics like person detection and other AI capabilities you’d like to see go here!
WishlistWelcome to our Wishlist! Do you have feature, product, or implementation changes you’d like to see? Please share details about that with us here! Before posting, please search in the Wishlist and subcategories to see if there’s already a submission you can add a vote to. You can learn about the features of the Wishlist and how it works here: How to Use the Wishlist.
Tips & TricksDo you have ideas on how to make the most out of your Wyze experience? Share it with others! We welcome creative uses for our products and more.
Captured on WyzeAll those videos you caught on Wyze that you love and think others will love… Or even if you don’t love them and want to inflict them on us anyway. This is the place for that.
BetaWe can’t spell BUGS without U. Find out what’s getting fixed in Beta and keep up with Beta updates — we’re getting there! Interested in joining our Beta program? Learn more.
WatercoolerHave you ever had the urge to talk about Wyze but not just about our products? Yeah, we noticed that didn’t fit well in the other categories. Watercooler conversations about general topics can be held here!