You know what that means. it means it is time for this month’s Fix-It-Friday callout!
If this is your first Fix-It Friday, welcome! For background, while our communities are not designed to be a replacement for Wyze Support , our community members and community managers do our best to help you out here. As our communities scale up, we want to make sure that any outstanding bugs or issues that you folks are facing are on our internal radar and that we’re transparent in our process of working on them.
Here’s how this works:
We’ll make a post on the first Friday of the month in every community (Core Community on Facebook, Forums, Reddit, and Discord).
Check the comments. If you see any other comments with issues that you’re facing, vote for them with a like (the heart button at the bottom of their reply)
Got something new? Reply to our post with the top issue that you’re facing this week with your Wyze products to help loop us in.
We’ll grab the top comment from each community and make a follow-up post on Monday to detail what those issues are and how we plan to fix them. If we need more info from the community to help figure out what’s going on, we’ll let you know on Monday - so please make sure to take a look!
The following Mondays in the month, we’ll be posting updates about our progress on Fix-It Friday submissions.
Sometimes Mondays are actually Tuesdays if we don’t get all the info we need on time for posting on Monday. Our apologies!
Remember, this is for existing things that aren’t working right. If you are looking for a new feature or for us to add functionality that’s not already available, please use our Wishlist instead!
We’re constantly working on improvements for everyone. But we hope that this process will both help us prioritize issues that are important to our communities and help you feel more in the loop.
Got a request for something new or an additional feature? Check our Wishlist to see if it’s in the works or has been requested.
If you want to see how this works, you can check this previous Fix-It Friday post:
Normally we would grab the results of the bugs reported that are affecting the most people. This month there has been a lack of new bugs reported. I know we have not fixed them all yet, so if you have some bugs causing you issues and want to make sure we know about please post about it in here so we can get the ones affecting the most people on the list. We will gather up the new issues on Wednesday morning this week.
I know y’all are aware of the cam plus filter bug for Android, but any potential updates would be great!
Edit: As of 10/15/23 the bug has resolved itself. I’m not sure if the update to the latest beta firmware 2.46.0 (b365) or not. I’m glad to see that this has been fixed. Thank you Wyze team!
What’s going on with the Pan Cam V3s not reconnecting to networks? They are completely unreliable and once they disconnect for whatever reason they never attempt to connect again until power cycled. Every single Wyze camera I have is fine except for the two Pam V3s. I’ve waited literally days to see if they’d reconnect. It’s not a networking or signal strength issue - one camera is literally three feet from the router. Multiple people are experiencing this issue and we would love a response other than the typical “reset your router”. The tech savvy amongst us have already gone through your standard “network issues, power issues, signal issues” steps.
Edit: Some info to clarify, but there’s plenty in the linked threads:
Standard Wyze Cams V1 & V3 work fine
On same network, Pan V3s drop connection (which isn’t a huge problem itself, except…)
Once disconnected, they NEVER reconnect - even after days
Power cycling immediately causes them to reestablish network connection
Applicable to cameras whether they are a few feet from router or across the house; distance irrelevant
Router settings irrelevant; network type, factory reset, security type, wifi protocol, signal strength, network interference, conflicting devices - all of these have been checked, rechecked, and debunked
If I were a developer here, I would be checking the current firmware - specifically the portion responsible for re-establishing a network connection when lost - and trying to determine why it isn’t actually doing so. Perhaps compare it to how a network connection is established at boot to find discrepancies.
These cameras were installed in my grandmother’s house so we can keep track of her in case she falls or otherwise gets hurt. I can’t have them offline every other day until I call her and tell her to unplug them and then plug back in.
I wholeheartedly agree…I drive Semi Truck and use these to keep an eye on my house while im gone.
And the MOST infuriating thing is Wyze crickets. Not a single “we are aware of the issue” that I have seen. Been a loyal customer for 5-6 years but the silence is going to drive me away even if I have to pay more
I don’t know if we will have an update today since I delayed selecting until Wednesday but I will let you know the Pan Cam v3 not reconnecting is one of the ones chosen and we are looking into it now.
Anyone experiencing the Cam Pan v3 reconnect issue, I am looking for some new logs. Can anyone submit me a new long the next time it happens, I have some of the old logs and a new one will help us verify some things.