My wyze pan cam v3 keeps disconnecting!

I recently bought two Pan V3 cameras. The first kept going offline and requiring a power cycle until the 4th time it did not come back online so I returned it. The second camera was just setup a couple days ago and has gone offline every day. This one is still tracking motion like it is okay but showing offline in the app. It reports the firmware is current WHEN it is online. Do I need to return this one also?

No need to ask if it’s my internet because my V2 camera remains accessible when this happens.

My V2 camera does this every once in a while but never as frequent as these V3 cameras are.


The V2 cam is the champion of staying online. It has regularly shown in tests as one of the best WiFi antaenna in the Wyze group.

I use to have some serious offline issues as well. I upgraded to a Mesh router and an extender I thought was a great price. But it was a great price because it was already out of date. I ran that for a while until I started to get occasional offline drops on distant cams, very slow load times, and stream lockups. All of this while adding devices at an astronomical rate.

I then upgraded to a dual node tri-band full mesh and have since expanded my device load without any drops or stream lags. I am running 4 PanV3 and don’t have any issues with offline drops. The load and stream responsiveness, as well as the SD Playback stability, has been improved with the current Beta FW that is being tested.

A robust WiFi network is an absolutely critical foundation for these cams, especially for the new V3Pro, PanV3, and OG cams.

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I have 5 Reolink cameras on the same network that have never gone offline and required a power cycle. I’m not going to start fiddling with my network to try to get a faulty product to remain connected.

The motion detection on my V2 has been superior to the Reolink cameras and I was hoping to put one of the weather resistant V3s out at my gate. So far it’s motion detection hasn’t been as good as my V2 so I don’t think it will be an upgrade for me.

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Curious as to what wifi network hardware that you use? Lots of chat here about connection issues, but no mention yet of your setup. What hardware do you use? What is the physical space dimensions, construction and proximity of the problematic camera to it’s connection point? How many other wifi devices do you have connected? All these are important points to consider when troubleshooting connection issues. As stated, different devices have different antennas, hardware and software that effect connection quality differently. I am glad that your v2 and other devices don’t have an issue, but we are interested in helping the problematic device get working and the above information would help in that process. Thanks!

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I connect to the internet via a ZTE Velocity cellular modem on AT&T. That is connected to a GL-AR300EXT router. I replaced the router’s 3" antennas with 11" antennas. Both the modem and router are in a window on the North side of my home. The modem is zip tied to the window blinds where it gets the best signal and the router is on the window sill of the same window. I live in a remote area and connection speeds vary from 5Mbps to 15Mbps down and about 1Mbps up.

This camera is positioned on my front porch about 15 feet from the router inside.

One of my Reolink Argus ECO cameras is 450 feet from the router outside remains connected and reliably sends events to their cloud as well as provides playback from it’s SD card. I actually tested the first Cam Pan 3 out 500 feet and it connected and sent live video back to my phone.

On that note my phone is a Motorolla Moto G Power 2021.

This is all pointless. The issue is the WYZE Cam Pan V3 is going offline and requiring a power cycle to come back online while NONE of my other cameras are having this problem as has ALREADY BEEN EXPLAINED.

WHY should I expect any less from a new product???


500 ft range through a window is asking a lot. Unless you’re miles away from other devices blasting the 2.4 GHz spectrum that camera is not going to have a chance for stable communication. I think in the typical environment the line of sight limits are out to about 150ft. Maybe someone from Wyze will jump in.

You folks are totally missing the point. This camera is 15-20 feet from the router and not staying online.

That is why I stated in my first post that the network is NOT the issue. I shouldn’t have taken the bait from Omgitstony who decided to ignore that and lead the thread into an irrelevant direction.


I searched before I posted this thread but missed the other thread on this issue.

This one seems to have Wyze input claiming they are aware and working on the problem. Seems we were sold an untested product.


Having to power cycle a device to make it re-connect is ridiculous. Especially something thats intended for remote monitoring somewhere.

Support: “reboot it.”
User: “ok”
Support: “is it working now?”
User: “yes.”
Support: “great! Is there anything else you need today? Please remember to fill out or survey”


Not derailing, trying to get more context into your connection issue. Have you moved the camera around to different spots in the house to see if that effects your camera negatively or positively? Lots of variables at play here.

Id also recommend contacting Support for your issue, as they are the official contact for support for Wyze products.

Here is their contact info:

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To expand on this, I’ve got 4 Pan V3 and they all suffer from chronic poor wireless performance or rather connectivity issues. All are about 15-20ft from the access point, This is on Eero mesh setup. I might try to setup a more generic wireless network strictly for 2.4ghz camera’s. At this very moment I have taken all but 1 node offline to try to eliminate variables, been running it this way for a few days after rebooting everything. However, still seeing issues, but I am not convinced it is just wireless signal strength even tho the Pan V3’s do seem to not get great reception. There seems to be issues possibly in the firmware/software. Just to note, I have other brands of cameras that do not have any issues. And when I say these are 15-20ft from the access point, that is being generous. This property is very forgiving with wireless transmission too. There’s no issues with penetration through walls or other ancillary things that could typically create problems.


I don’t think this has anything to do with wireless connection. I tested the first one I bought out 500 ft and it connected. When I put it on my back porch 20 ft from the router it had no connection problems. It just went offline every day or so and had to be power cycled. The 4th time it did it a power cycle wouldn’t bring it back online so I returned it. It may have come back to life with a full reset but I’m not going to jump through that hoop.

The second one I have on the front porch and it was doing the same thing. I plugged it into a timer that is set to turn off for 15 minutes every night. So far it has stayed online since then but you shouldn’t have to do that.

We use to have a similar problem with wireless internet switches at work but they were never as finicky as these V3 cameras have been.

My modem has to be power cycled every now and then to get it’s speed back to normal. This hasn’t had any effect on the cameras. As soon as that connection is restored the cameras can be accessed. That hasn’t resulted in the cameras going offline.

I haven’t tested in a while but none of these cameras should rely on an internet connection as long as the local network is okay. You only have to have internet for cloud recording.

I have 5 wifi cameras of another brand that have not had to be power cycled ever in 5 years time.


My pan V3 was going offline every few days. Would unplug and it would come back on for a few days Then It was I needed to reset the camera, that was me removing from the roof and doing a total reset. All of these included the code 60. I have a Deco mesh system and the camera is about 10 feet from the router on the roof… Contacted Wyze they sent me a replacement I have had it in stalled for three days and two of the days I had to unplug and that got it going. Each of these come with a code 27. Now todayI see a firmware update hoping this might fix this issue :slight_smile:

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I recently put up four Pan V3s. Updated to latest firmware. Two cameras connected to aTP-Link EAP 225. Line of sight, ten feet away, no intervening walls. Hell, you can see the AP on the camera. Two more connected to TP-Link EAP 115s not more than 20 feet away. Running clients on the latest version of iOS, and iPadOS.

They all drop offline every day. Get a message “please connect your mobile device to another network”. Error 27. Thing is, the network is fine. Everything else works fine, including Wyze V2 and V3 cameras.

I am thinking that there is some kind of memory leak in these units. They work fine for several hours, then drop offline. Brilliant cameras while they work, that’s why I am giving WYZE till the end of the month to push through a firmware update that fixes this. Otherwise, I am asking for a refund.


Same Issue here, new Pan v3, placed in the very same spot of my old pan V2 that I wanted to replace (v2 has never had any kind of connectivity issues)

This new pan v3 will go into a auto spin mode with the blue led blinking until I remove power and power again, any setting that I change will send the camera into this spin and blue led blink mode, if no settings are changed the camera will work for a while then go into the pin and blue led blink mode

While on the pin and blue led blink mode I cannot connect to the cameras by ios or android apps

Im running the latest firmware and have a freshly formatted (by the v3 pan camera itself) SD card (this card was working on the v2 pan with out issues)


Decided to run a little experiment. Based on a hunch that there may be a memory leak that is causing the camera to run out of resources, or heat from the pan motor, I have started to preemptively reboot three out of the four cameras roughly every 12 hours. Also, on those camera’s I have turned down the pan speed and the motion sensitivity. On the fourth camera, I have turned of panning.

I started this regime this morning at 8am. And as of 10:30pm, none of the cameras have dropped offline. The camera that is static hasn’t been rebooted and that’s not dropped off either.

Hardly scientific I know, but rebooting them is easier than climbing up a ladder.

maybe some other owners can try some of these tricks and report back.


I have always done a full power cycle via a Smart Plug on every PanV3 (and every Wyze Cam I own) nightly on a rolling schedule. Never experienced offline issues.

But, I think you are in the right track. You may be on to something. Would need either a baseline cam with no mods or a comparative of behavior with restarts and without on the same cam over time.


Well I know it’s more voodoo but I have this bulb camera I bought recently to test as it supported onvif/rtsp. It isn’t even turned on most of the time. But the other night I turned it on and noticed all the pan v3 cameras were staying up. I turn it off and I start having drop outs. Turn it back on and I seem to be able to connect fine. This also allowed me to turn on the docker bridge. Which btw, I have noticed that the Pan V3 default to HD180 which is meant for 2k resolution. It should be HD120. In the logs its not losing wireless connection, but it’s dropping the stream and having frame size issues. Now that may purely be some issue with the bridge, but it seems to correlate with the other issues. As of right now, all my Pan V3 have stayed up…if I leave this Bulb cam on. Now why would that be? Some sort of port/routing issue with the PAN V3 where as this Bulb seems to keep the port open? This is why I hate this Eero setup, I am not use to having little control. Need to setup some stuff to capture what is happening but just haven’t had time.


I read all of the comments on this post. Let me add another piece of info which may or may not be useful. I have quite a few wyze cams (50+) and have had a lot of experience. I am having the same issue with going offline.
Let me add one more piece of information to this thread. I am using a USB extension to be able to power the camera further away. With a 50 ft extension, even in the house next to the router, I cannot set up the camera successfully, but if I set it up without the extension and then connect it on the extension it works… until it starts to pan, which sooner or later will cause the camera to lose the wifi connection and then needs to be power cycled. I tried with shorter extensions and finally settled on POE (power over ethernet with a 25 ft cat 5 cable). This was much more stable but not perfect.
I am not contesting the fact that I shouldn’t be using an extension, but from my observations it seems that it’s a power issue not a wifi issue.
It seems as if when the camera is using power to pan/track, it might cause it to lose the internet connection and the software for some reason is not able to reconnect even if the camera is fully powered.
Until I read this thread, I thought the cause was due to using a USB extension, but reading this thread, it seems it might actually be a more general problem.
BTW I have used USB extensions (50’) for quite a lot of wyze v2’s (non-pan) without EVER having this problem.
I think Wyze software should be able to recover and reconnect without having to recycle power.
Wyze, are you addressing this issue?


That is useful information! @newshound tested power loss in select USB Extensions and found that it can be quite significant under load. I think the siren and motors are the two biggest draws. It seems as though the WiFi radio and\or the antaenna are the first to suffer when the voltage drops. The PanV3 appears to have a much lower tolerance for power fluctuations than the other cams.