Connection issues for livestreaming

Inexplicably, last night and today I started experiencing issues with livestreaming on all of my later model cams; v3, v3 pro, v4, pan v3, og, bcp, fldlt v2. Cam v2, pan v2 and vdb duo were not impacted. All of the cams began returning error code 3005 or a reboot/power cycle message. Restarted gateway, rebooted mesh (3 nodes), disengaged 5ghz network, insured all devices firmware current including Wyze app for android and restarted mobile phone. Interestingly, motion and smart event cloud and sdcard recording also continued uninterrupted.

This kind of selective behavior is troubling. I’ve never had this kind of service interruption before. I don’t know where to point a finger for this because of the very inconsistent results. I will have to ride this one out and hope for the best.

Do you mean Web View streams?

I also had problems last night, but tonight I haven’t seen problems. Since I didn’t have any problem connecting to the cameras locally, it seems the Wyze servers were overloaded at that time.

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Local (mobile) view livestreaming. Appears corrected today and all cams livestreaming normally.

Hey mate,
Sounds like multiple issues going on.

Can you please do a site WiFi audit? Install an app to view all surrounding WiFi networks and channels they use.
Check from the main area plus far reaches where furtherest devices are away.

Change your WiFi network channel for 2G / 5G so that it is 2 channels away from the list saturated. Channel 6 is often the most congested and I find “auto” in router does not aggressively shift or be proactive to improve performance.

Also, if router is near any mirrors, move the mirrors or router or camera :blush::+1:t3:

Wow. First I heard about mirror influence. Thanks.