Build the app so that we can set “My devices” as the start page.
Every time I open the app, the livestream has to be reloaded. That may work reasonably well when I’m on my home network.
On the road with 4G or less it runs itself to death.
At least I’ll have direct access to 7 devices instead of the 2.5 live streams.
Display of temperature and humidity without having to select the thermostat in Devices and Favorites
My 1st favorite in the app is the thermostat.
It doesn’t show anything. No temperature, no humidity, nothing except the name. Furthermore, the thermostat in the favorites is only half as wide as the stream of the camera.
Deactivation of Rules
Rules cannot be deactivated. You have to delete them so that they do not take effect. That is pointless. If it does work, write how it works. I can’t find anything.
AC over cool / cool to dry
Every modern Smart Thermostat has the over cool or cool to dry function.
This is for when there is very high humidity in the house. If this humidity exceeds a certain level, the set temperature is cooled down by 2-3 degrees to remove the humidity. This protects against mold in the house and is relevant here on the east coast.
Theoretically, this would also be possible with a rule. The thermostat has a humidity sensor, as do the room sensors. It should be possible to read this nowadays.
[Mod Note]:The purpose of this wishlist topic is to consolidate requested new features, changes and enhancements to the Wyze 3.x app. Please do not add 3.x bug reports and subjects that are already listed elsewhere in the Wishlist category. Bug reports and requests posted here that are posted elsewhere will be removed and relocated. Please also note that individual requests posted here may be split out to separate topics at a later date.
No problem. I’m pretty sure 2, 3 and 4 are current wishlist topics elsewhere. You’ll need to post those items to the existing wishlist topics. Please wait and I’ll find them for you later today or this evening.
Honestly how about an option to disable the livestream option entirely as well? In most cases it’s just unnecessary, to be streaming, and wasting data. Not mention slowing things down.
The thumbnails make it much easier to make sure I’m clicking on the right camera, especially with multiple properties, and many cameras.
My suggestions based on a lot of feedback I’ve read from people about this app version:
On the Favorites tab, allow us a setting to pick which cameras will auto-stream vs just have a thumbnail image showing.
Make it easier to turn cameras on/off without multiple taps.
Allow us to pick whether a single camera takes up multiple columns/rows on the favorites dashboard as a live stream, or whether that single camera takes up a smaller profile 1rowx1column presence like all the other devices (with an on/off button like the camera groups have). instead of a 3rowX2column presence
Should have allowed the the 3.0 app to capture the existing device order of the 2.5 app and convert that same organized order to the 3.0 app automatically so people don’t have to redo everything from scratch. In the Wyze server, the 2.5 order is apparently called the “Channel Order” since 3rd party apps like Tiny Cam are able to see the “Channel Order” from the 2.5 app and structure everything in that same order, so if a 3rd party app can see and use the channel order, it stands to reason that Wyze could’ve made everything default in that same order when it converted over to the 3.0 app and had a sorting option for that or started it in that order when it first moves over to the new version.
Add on/off buttons on the devices tab next to the favorites star
Allow us to set the devices tab as the default screen
Show device battery or sensor status or other primary status info on the devices &/or favorites tab at a glance
Address some of the reported functionality bugs of some devices seeming not to work right when some people upgrade to the 3.0 app (these don’t generally seem to be widespread or consistently affecting everything, but they are a priority and important to those who are affected)
I think the above cover most of the most common feedback I’ve been seeing. What did I miss?
This actually is my experience with the v3.0 Devices tab. I just compared it to the v2.5x Home tab on a phone that I haven’t yet updated, and the only significant difference is that after displaying the order I’d already set in v2.5x (where many things were in groups, even if the “group” was only a single device), the v3.0 list went on to list the remaining group items broken out as individual items. I actually like the way this was handled automatically and think it’s really smartly done, especially in anticipation of the time when Wyze rolls out the ability to put a single device into multiple groups.
The main addition I’d have from my own observation is improving and increasing the use of contrasting color cues:
I mentioned other things in that post and elsewhere that echo some things on your list, like allowing users the option of cached thumbnail images for cameras on the Favorites tab (instead of the automatic live stream attempts) and allowing users to choose the Devices tab as the default Home screen. I’d also add the ever-present requests for full landscape mode and full dark mode, but I imagine those are probably still (already) works in progress.
That would be awesome if they updated that. It could be that mine was different because I had installed the beta first, but I thought I read other people complaining that the order was completely different for them than their previous home tab, so I had assumed it was still the same since mine didn’t change. Did you already mostly have your devices in Alphabetical order then? Because that’s what it did for me, was sort them into alphabetical order instead of channel order as the default. I’m just wondering if channel order and alphabetical order were the same thing for you.
Yeah me too. The main reason I repeated things in here, and want others to do so as well is because this is the official wishlist post for it, and the wishlist is one of the categories that get actively monitored and reviewed by Wyze employees, which can be hit and miss in the other forum categories sometimes. So this is generally one of the most likely places that feedback will get back to some employees at some point.
No, I had the Doorbell at the top, then 4 camera groups, then a Watch, Scale S, Buds, Headphones, lighting groups (both models of Bulb Color, Light Strip, and Light Strip Pro), Plug groups, and then individual Plug Outdoors. They’re “grouped” together in the sense that similar devices are adjacent in the overall list, and they’re arranged in roughly the order that I’m most likely to access them from the app.
I imagine my update experience likely represents another improvement between beta and production, sort of like how in the beta app it reportedly wasn’t yet possible to tap-drag to rearrange items on the Devices tab, but I can do that on the new production app.
Right. That’s why I quote-linked my other comment.
I thought of some minor wishes I’d like to add to this list:
I wish the “search” field in the devices tab was “pinned” to the top like it is in the forums or websites. Many times I have started to scroll to find one of my devices, forgotten exactly how I named it, struggled to find it in my list of 300+ Wyze devices, then scrolled all the way back to the top to type in the type of device it is (ie: “air” to get all air Purifiers to show up) and every time I think it feels weird to have to scroll to a search field. I’ve never had to do that on anything else that I remember. Search fields are always pinned for easy access.
When I’m in the devices tab and I hit “back” (back swipe on Android), I keep expecting that it will “back” me out to the default screen (favorites page), but it just closes the app without warning. I feel like the last back swipe should take me to the default screen of the favorites page before the app minimizes on me unexpectedly.
This is a personal preference… I wish new favorites were added to the bottom of the favorites page instead of the top. It’s really annoying to me because I set up my favorites tab and devices tab to have my most frequently used and most important devices at the top. But when I add new things, they automatically go to the top and make me have to reorder them back to the bottom. This is the main reason why I only added a few devices to my favorites tab instead of most of my devices because it will be too much work to have to keep rearranging every since device I try to add to the favorites tab, so I mostly avoid it now (besides several main device groups) and just use the “search” field in the devices tab to find the device I need. That search field is a life saver when you have hundreds of devices.
That’s just wrong. It does the same thing with Automations. Then, guess what?! When I tap the Wyze icon to open the app again (yes, I realize it didn’t actually close the app, more like Android’s version of minimize), the app opens back up right where I left off! If this isn’t at least a partial argument for letting users choose their own Home tab, then I don’t know what is.
At the very least, though, if Favorites is the Home that’s being forced on everyone, then going through steps we’ve already taken in the app should eventually lead us Home and not bye-bye.
Count me in on this one, too. Last in, last out, last on the list.
As far as the search thing goes, I definitely see the point there, and I wonder if the could be squeezed in between the and the up top and be a global thing in the sense that it would allow a user to search Devices and Automations (especially since Automations still can’t be reordered!). I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a global search option at the bottom of the app, but it’s already five tabs across, so I don’t know where something like that would fit. I say this because I like Firefox for mobile, and it gives me the choice to have the address bar (and thus search) at the bottom, where it’s an easier thumb-tap.
Oh, yeah:
Add some kind of ordering feature to Automations!
Here are some things that have already been suggested for Devices but could also conceivably be added to Automations for sorting/ordering/filtering:
I can’t believe I forgot about the automations. It’s probably because that’s the way it’s always been and isn’t something that really changed in the 3.0 app, but it is still something that should be addressed.
Thanks, and for sure. I don’t do a ton of Automations in the Wyze app because I use Google Home for centralizing things as much as I can, but there are some bridges and work-arounds that I have to do with Wyze Automations, and having some ability to sort them would make things easier to find when I have to change something.
I imagine the situation is significantly more frustrating for people who do much more of their home automation within the Wyze ecosystem.
Possibility to change the Wifi network without resetting the device.
Temperature or humidity dependent automation for the thermostat.
Like “if humidity is greater than 85% then cool two degrees below the temperature that is currently set and send notification”.
I just had another thought after looking at Automations options in the new app, so I want to revisit this:
Since I was on the Automations tab, my expectation was that tapping would take me straight to the Create Automation screen, but it didn’t. Instead, it popped up the Add menu, which lists Device, Automation, Device Group, etc. Although I’d like for the button to be context-sensitive (i.e., know that I’m on the Automations tab, so jump straight to creating an Automation and behave in similar fashion if I’m on the Devices tab when I tap it), since it’s a permanent fixture up there beside the it probably makes more sense for it (and anything else added to that area, like a button) to behave in a global fashion—so basically I’m reiterating what I previously said, just with more context, because above all the app should provide a consistent user experience.
I’d like to see a separator or line break that spans the width of the screen across both tiles to be added to be able to separate a bunch of the group / device / shortcut tiles in the favorite’s tab., like so:
On the Automations tab (or within Automations themselves), I’d like to see a way to copy Automations. I’m imagining a user experience could happen in at least a couple of ways:
A user could tap into an Automation as if to edit it, and there could be a “copy” or “duplicate” or “clone” icon (e.g., Clone Icon | Font Awesome) near the top, which is how Google Home finally got around to doing it.
A user could long-press an Automation’s tile in order to get a pop-up menu (similar to tapping the icon) with multiple options: Copy/Duplicate/Clone, Delete, Execute/Run Now, Favorite, etc.
Something like this (along with the ability to reorder/sort) should be part of a comprehensive Automations update.
Agree Device list primary WITH Thumbnails added back. This would be a major immediate improvement. Only other suggestion not mentioned here is next time do this very “suggestion thing” with the beta so the same mistake is not made again where a less than appealing product is released. I really can not believe that beta testers did not see these problems ahead of time. Thanks for the summary, just hope this falls upon some eyes who can actually investigate the merits of the suggestions and possibly do something about them.