I have been a pleased Wyze customer for years. So when the home monitoring was introduced, I ordered it and set it up. It worked well.
Then the Amazon outage happened, and nothing has been the same since then. After the services came back up, I experienced issues with some of the sensors blocking the mode switches.
Eventually, I could not switch the home monitoring mode by my app anymore, failing every time. However, doing it with the keypad still worked. At least - it was arming, and the hub was telling me it successfully did so later on.
A month later, I actually checked it, and in my history, the system told me it had not been armed for over a month.
After the latest App update, things got even worse.
I have removed the hub and re-installed each sensor again by the books. I worked maybe for an hour, and then every sensor went offline. It has become so bad that I cannot even remove the sensors or the hub from the application. When I try to remove the hub, then the app will tell me it failed to do so. When I try to remove each sensor, it tells me it succeeded, but no luck. The sensor still shows up in my devices list.
I donāt know what is going on, but I cannot have security be a game of chance. Besides the security and sensor-related issues, my smart plugs drop offline daily as well.
The cameras are still working fine. Although I should say that sometimes they show up offline, I still can use them.
Wyze - please stop making new stuff and ensure your current equipment keeps working. It has become incredibly annoying and unreliable. I went from one of your biggest supporters to someone who recommends that friends and family go somewhere else to get their stuff. If a security system goes offline, and after re-installation on a perfectly clean android phone, it cannot run with your newest equipment? There is no excuse for that.
I am a tech-savvy person in application development and usability design - and I would not dare to ship a product like this. Please start listening to your QA department before shipping things and trying to fix it later on. Your software is not what it used to be.
I will do one more comp[lete reset and re-installation before giving up. Having home security should take away my worries and stress, and instead, it is just adding to it every day.