Wyze previously answered this request with a “Probably Not” status:
However, there are reports that they are working on making it possible for some of their other cameras to work as a “Chime” for the doorbell(s), and they also enabled Alexa Devices to be able to chime from the doorbell, and there is a workaround to make Google speakers chime when the Wyze doorbell is pressed.
It would be nice if they brought back their “Universal Chime” project, but either way, it seems extremely unlikely that they will ever add support for the v1 chimes to work with other doorbells.
There was also a project in development for a “loud siren” which may have been the same thing.
However, these were all canceled at the end of 2022 when people kept complaining that they doing other things besides focusing on their “camera” specialty…so they took that feedback and canceled almost all their other projects for a while, at least until they got profitable…which finally happened in Q1 2004. So now they may reanimate some of their canceled projects. I think this would be a good one to start with because it is camera-adjacent…in the sense that it works with the cameras in some way.
Basically, it would’ve been awesome to have a chime that could work with any Wyze product, and be used as a loud siren and be able to give internet to other devices. For example, they could’ve allowed the Lock Bolt to connect to that chime so it could have internet and do notifications and be controlled remotely. Or let my Wyze scale to connect to the universal chime so I don’t have to open my phone every time I want it to log my scale metrics. The scale could just go to the universal chime instead and upload the info to my Wyze data. They could have any number of sensors use the universal chime instead of a different hub for every device. They could let anything with Bluetooth, or Zigbee or WiFi or any number of protocols use the universal chime as a hub that supports lots of protocols. Maybe even let us do Text To Speech messages for announcements. For example, instead of having to use Google or Alexa, the Wyze Universal chime could announce when it detects someone enter my property, or when my pool gate is opened, or any number of things.
I’m advocating for this project to revived now that they are profitable and the complaints directed at them to stop making non-camera products have calmed down.