The Video Doorbell v2 has a “Cameras as Chime” feature, but this currently works only with Cam OG (including Telephoto) and Cam Pan v3 models, though it’s somewhat buggy in my experience and has been reported elsewhere on the Forum to fail with attempts to enable the feature from iOS versions of the Wyze app. The Help Center article describing this feature used to say that it would be coming to Cam v3 (non-Pan) models “soon”, but I see now that it was amended 4 days ago and that reference has been removed. (When I quoted that same article 5 days ago, it said this: “Support for using your Wyze Cam as a chime is limited to Wyze Cam OG, Telephoto, and Wyze Cam Pan v3 for now. We plan to expand this function to Wyze Cam v3 soon.” The change in verbiage leaves it unclear whether planned expansion of this feature is no longer limited to Cam v3 or if it’s been postponed indefinitely or something else.)
There’s also a work-around to get audio and video announcements on Google Home devices, but you didn’t mention that specifically, and I would suspect that you’re probably not using both Google Home and Amazon Alexa platforms. I mention it because I wonder if a similar type of work-around could give audio notifications for Alexa, but I haven’t read or experimented enough to try to figure that out. Such a work-around seems like it should be unnecessary when the Doorbell FAQ article says that Alexa should deliver a voice prompt when the doorbell is ringing (after it’s been set up as an Alexa routine with notifications enabled).