Why is it that now when you buy a Wyze product you have to go read the fine print?
I bought the new Wyze Video Doorbell v2 which should, in my mind, work with my current chime. It is an upgraded version of it, but why should the chime change. Why is it that on the previous version you made me REMOVE my old in-house chime to work with doorbell-v1 - it brought it’s own chime which made sense, I can put it anywhere. But now that I buy the new version 2 - I’m looking forward to the 2k, micro-sd recording, AI detection, and better camera over all - looking forward to that and I end up buying it right away. Just to find out now that it REQUIRES! a freaking in-house chime and it doesn’t support the OBVIOUS v1-chime which is just a chime!
Why doesn’t it support it? It doesn’t make sense to me - now I’m here stuck with the new device and I’m stuck to the digital-chime on the device outside the house.
I’m upgrading to a better version that relies on an older in-house chime with a chime controller - that’s gotta be a joke - we are working backwards here!
I have been a Wyze fan and supported for a very long time and every time new products come along I quickly go buy and support. But man, Wyze seems to no longer be a trusted brand at all.