Wyze Video Doorbell v2 - Released 10/24/2023

Just to update everyone here, there is a way to have the video doorbell automatically show up (and alert aka “chime”) on Alexa echo devices and on Google display devices.

Also, I am happy to report that Cam plus is NOT needed. :blush:

After a ton of research and toying around, I found what I believe to be the simplest solutions to both ecosystems. I am happy to share my results.

Amazon echo show:

  • Make sure Wyze is linked to your Amazon Alexa in app.
  • Tap the plus button (top right)
  • Create a “routine”
  • Select “add event” under “when”
  • Select “smart home”
  • Select your doorbell
  • Select doorbell event and select “when pressed”
  • Go back to the routine you are making
  • Select “Alexa will”
  • Select “custom”
  • Then type “show me the doorbell” (or whatever name you gave you doorbell)
  • Save and you’re done
    (You can also add other options if you want the doorbell button to trigger more: like a voice announcement)

Google home display:
This one takes a little more setup (a workaround) but is just as responsive.

1. Google Display Step 1: Inexpensive Product Needed for Setup:
(it’s unfortunate that for Google Displays we need to do the extra steps 1 and 2, I believe it to be something about how Google Home doesn’t allow (yet?) the doorbell button to be a direct “trigger”. My understanding is that this feature is being added though, so if in the future it is added, the instructions can skip steps 1 and 2)

  • Buy a Wyze plug you can use as a dummy plug (since, as you see below, it will turn on/off intermittently, not a good idea to plug something INTO this plug – unless maybe something you want to turn on every time the doorbell rings). Plug Wyze plug somewhere discreet.
  • Make sure Wyze is linked (“works with”) Google home

2. Google Display Step 2: Wyze App Instructions:

  • turn off the plug
  • create a “Rule” that will (“do”) “turn on” the dummy Wyze plug “for 1 minute” every time (“if”) the “doorbell is pressed” . (It needs to be for a time or else the rule won’t reset for the next press)

3. Google Display Step 3: Google Home App Instructions:

  • create an “Automation” (bottom of screen on app)
  • add “starter”
  • “when a device does something”
  • select your Wyze plug
  • select when the Wyze plug “turns on”
  • back in the automation setup “add action”
  • Click “try adding your own”
  • type “show me the doorbell” (or whatever name you gave your doorbell)
  • Save and you’re done
    (You can also add other options if you want the doorbell button to trigger more: like a voice announcement)

I have both a Google display and an Amazon Echo display in my house, and I have confirmed that both of them work as described above, and I have confirmed that both of them promptly show video of the doorbell within seconds (or less) of the doorbell being pressed (and promptly give the other notifications/chimes/alerts if programed therein). I also do not see a noticeable delay between Google and Alexa (even though Google has the workaround step).

I also confirmed that this works with the various versions of the Video Doorbell (but the V1 has a longer delay, I believe it to be due to the older video format – but am not sure)