Introducing Wyze Video Doorbell - 9/22/20

Small has never been mightier.

We’ve crafted a doorbell cam with a low fingerprint, a free chime with up to 19 sounds, and crisp 1080p head-to-toe video. And it’s only $29.99.

Pre-orders start for the brand new Wyze Video Doorbell now. Like, right now.


Don’t see in FAQ if I don’t have an old door bell how to install this.

bruh theres an entire video on how to install it on your old doorbell


Just pre ordered. Sucks to wait till January


Interesting product…similar to something else (sirens/notification device) we’ve been asking about. I’d like more information on the Chime…I see that additional chimes can be added to the doorbell, how much will those be, and when will those be available for ordering? The real question is will there be any access to the chimes from other things such as cams and sensors. A chime box that is linked in the Wyze ecosystem should eliminate the delayed notifications that many are experiencing.


Any chance this will support RTSP? The price is fantastic, but this is a feature I need.


If you have power nearby, you can buy a plug-in transformer and run the wires to the doorbell. There are a bunch of these on Amazon for the Ring video doorbells.

This is also what I’m going to be doing as I have a old mechanical doorbell for my front door and a wireless doorbell for the side door. I’ve got power near both, so I’ll just order some of the cord and plug 18 to 24v doorbell transformers and wire them in.


Lol Like I said I DON’T have or had a hardwire doorbell.

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Thank Gwendolyn!
I just pre-ordered!

Will there be an AMA for this?


Yea that’s a long time.
Anyone know if this new preorder deal means the end of early access?


@UserCustomerGwen What I’m curious about is can multiple Wyze Video Doorbells work with one chime? I bought two (front door & side door) and I’m wondering if I can make them work with just one chime (and since it appears you can add more chimes) use the other chime somewhere else in the house, or do they each need their own chime?


I is the same thing as EA. They just changed the name and made it available to all.

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Available to all?! I suddenly feel less special. Hopefully the chime will be able to be used with other wyze products, some interesting sounds in it.


I just ordered one, so excited!!

I do not have a wired doorbell (ATM) at the moment. However there are options for powering your doorbell with power bricks. Look thru the web, ask the Googles, and you will discover a lot of others with the same issues, and how they wired in a “Ring Doorbell Pro”. You have options.


here is one option i am looking at, they also have hard wired versions - quick amazon search will give you many choices.


The chime runs on a different signal than any other product, so i would be surprised if it worked with any other device…

Sub1G: 906.8MHz, used for local connection between doorbell and chime.

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Same here. I need two doorbells and 3 chimes, all linked as one unit.

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