Wyze app update - Released 9/9/2024


Maybe a transitory anomaly? Let’s see.

Never wonder.

I have to reset all my event filters if I force close the app and open it again or restart my iPad.
Another great feature (POS)

Maybe we should switch phones and see if fresh :eyes: help. :sweat:

I ended up downloading tinycam pro over the weekend. Obviously just a very small sample size so far but since then it’s been generally ok. The live view gets a little choppy sometimes but not that bad. I have it loaded on two Insignia Amazon Fire TV’s, one older (circa late 2020) Amazon Fire HD10 tablet, and also using the desktop PC web client. Hopefully I won’t have to deal with Bluestacks issues not playing nice with the WYZE updates anymore now. It served its purpose for a while but this has been better overall so far.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated.

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I keep returning to TinyCam when I experience issues with the Wyze app. Hope it works out for you.

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I have Tinycam Pro on most devices and the Firestick. I actually don’t use it much at all.

The Wyze Beta app has been working ok for how I use it lately. Far as I can tell anyhow. :crossed_fingers: I do maintenance every day though. Clean cache, reboot etc.

Samsung S23 Ultra.


Hello. Looking for your help…

I’m a little surprised not to have seen any more conversation about the WCO battery percentage no longer appearing next to the battery icon on the Favorites tab. It was working so well until the most recent app update.

Any chance you could help bring some attention to the issue? Without the battery percentage number (e.g., xx%) showing, it takes too many clicks to have to keep going into the live view to check it. Not too mention wasting battery life.

Frustrating that this feature keeps getting drop with each new app build. :confused:

Thanks in advance!

I don’t use the favorites tab but the battery % for all four of my WCO v1 cams shows up on the device list page. I am using the iOS app on an iPad.

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Wow, great catch! I had not seen that. Awesome work around.

Not as good as having it right on the Favorites tab, but it does help.

Much appreciated! :blush::+1:t4:


I don’t believe the app percentages very much. The other day I had one WCO that Showed 85% on the app but it wouldn’t load to live view. I took it down and brought it inside, plugged it in and it was at 0%. :laughing:
I charged it back up for about 3 hours and it was back 99% when I put it back at it’s location. I normally charge them when they get to 40%.
It’s still alive.

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Still the issue remains for the outdoor cam of the 1 minute cool down regardless if you select no cool down. Approaching one year of this issue. Dev team give up on this and move on to less difficult tasks?

06 November 2024 will be the 1 year anniversary of the great WCO FUBAR. The day that no cooldown died.

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I think you’re right. But I have all three of mine connected to Wyze solar panels. For two of the three, they show “charged” at 100% all the time. The third is mounted on a tree, facing my shed. It’s under shade for part of the day, so it doesn’t stay at 100%. It varies depending on the season and how much shade there is and how hot it is (solar panels work best in cool, sunny weather).

So, having the battery percentage number readily available without having to open the live view helps reduce clicks and save battery (even if it is only as accurate as the LAST time the camera was in live view). I like to keep an eye on all three to make sure I don’t need to bring any of them inside to charge manually (rare for me).

Ideally, Wyze will add the number again under the thumbnail view on the Favorites tab next to the battery icon. Worst case, I’ll add more clicks to my routine and check the Devices tab. If not for this omission, I would pretty much never have to click to see the Devices tab.

My two cents… :+1:t4:

Since I don’t have any of these, I won’t expect an invitation to the shindig, but I eagerly anticipate the “celebration” videos that I expect will be forthcoming from Weeds & Water. :partying_face:


We have been with Wyze almost from the beginning (over 50 devices, including Mesh Pros).

We are glad for the app update, but need the ability to LOCK/unlock the SCREENS for Favorites, Devices & Automations (to avoid accidental movement of tiles and keep tiles in static organization).

Also, need the ability to create SECTIONS in each screen section (Favorites & Devices), for better organization of devices.

Thank you.

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This is excellent, and I’d like to see this idea promoted in a topic like News about Wyze app 3.0 and/or Wyze app 3.x - Additions and changes. I imagine an implementation being like Quick Settings in Android, where it’s necessary to tap the :pencil2: icon before a user can begin adding/deleting/moving tiles.

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I agree, I have moved devices out of order on accident several times while trying to scroll up or down. I would like to be able to lock the position.

Thank you for the response.
Copied and pasted into the first link. Not sure if I did it correctly.
Should I do the same with your 2nd link ??

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That’s probably not necessary, since the place you posted it is in the Wyze News category and was initiated by the Wyze Team (as is this topic). I wouldn’t advise doing a lot of cross-posting, anyway, as that can be considered spam and a violation of Community Guidelines, but I’m all for sharing useful ideas that I hope will get Wyze’s attention. :+1:

I have two celebrations planned at Weeds and Water. If my four WCO v1 survive until 4 November 2024 I will have one for their 4th Birthday and another, a day of remembrance on 6 November for the day that cooldown died. :laughing:

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