For the last couple of months, my Cam v3 running firmware (up to date) is skipping always 1 or 2 seconds on each minute in uploaded notification videos and also on the playback feature.
Here is an example from today, it skips from 13:18:15 to 13:18:17:
This was a recording from a notification uploaded to Wyze servers.
Camera has also the original SD card purchased from Wyze, and the camera was working fine long time ago, but this issue started like 2 months ago, and I was hopping it was going to g oaway.
This is a known issue and Wyze is working on it. If you can get a camera log in the cams settings > Wyze support > submit a log, please post the log number here so I can pass it along. Thanks!
I am having this same issue- with every single event video. It will pause for several seconds and cut out the recording during that time. It is so annoying and kind of negates the whole point of having the camera in the first place. I’m glad you are working on a fix, but I hope it comes sooner rather than later. This is incredibly frustrating.