Thermostat offline repeatedly

Sorry* my thermostat goes offline.

Never had an issue, worked great and now it’s going offline.

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Hah, it looks like pretty much what I set up with a 24v tuya compatible smart switch and home assistant, with the added benefit in my case that it automatically resets the thermostat when it drops offline with my automation.


My thermostat went offline while I was on vacation. It’s been solid and in the same name network environment for years.

It’s not us, it’s Wyze. I finally got back and it says “offline” on the thermostat but in its own status menu it shows connected.

I installed mine a month ago up at my cottage. Was working for a few days remotely and then it went off-line. Then it came online for a few days and then it went back off-line. After reading all the issues here, I’ve decided to return it. Too bad because it’s perfect and I love its simplicity and interface, but it simply doesn’t work.

It seems like the right decision. I have been watching this post for 6 months now and NOBODY has resolved the issue, except for a few homegrown methods for turning it off and on remotely. There have been no updates from Wyze. I don’t think there will be a fix for this.


Given the absolute silence from WYZE on this issue - except for their willingness to replace without question one of my thermostat units that was bricked by a firmware update - the conspiracy theorist inside me has kicked in. Here’s my guess on what’s happening - all SPECULATION on my part.

MAYBE they’ve figured out that the problem is indeed on their end and not a problem that can be fixed by changing routers - not even to the one they sell. PERHAPS they’ve determined that the issue is with a physical component within the thermostat and that it can’t be fixed with a firmware update. It POSSIBLY would take a redesign and full replacement of all units to get the thing stable. And it COULD BE that they can’t afford the $$$ it would take to make the issue right (i.e. admitting and owning the problem, buying back all the units and replacing them with units that are solid). So, it MIGHT BE that they’ve chosen to keep silent on the issue and hope those of us with problems slowly trickle away. However, the unit is still listed for sale in their store.

I was really hoping they would fix this!
I really like this thermostat and originally I think they had big plans for it.
Installation was easy, very clearly explained and they included the C-Wire adapter… quality product!
People always talk about just getting a different brand… well, they all have there issues.
Anyway, I have a different theory. I think they just don’t have the resources… I’m guessing that they outsourced the development of this product and now they are stuck with what they bought.
They were so close to having a great product… It’s worth saving in my opinion.

I also have this problem at a vacation property that I need to monitor remotely. The HVAC system’s power goes through a normal wall switch. Turning that off for 30 sec always brings the thermostat back online. Has anyone tried to replace that manual switch with a Wyze switch and recycle the power remotely?

Are the Wyze switches reliable? I have the Wyze doorbell and a handfull of cameras and don’t have any problem with them.

Welcome to Wyze thermostat land!

Sounds like you have it made. Replace the wall switch with a Wyze switch and turn it off/on when you need the thermostat back. I’ve had great luck with Wyze switches- and every other Wyze product except the thermostat.

A good number of us on this thread have rigged Wyze plugs and /or switches to operate relays to cycle power to Wyze thermostats with good success. As I said before, you’ve got it made since all you need to do is swap out a switch.

Best of luck

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my thermostat tried to go offline 3 times today :frowning:
… luckily my automation is working :slight_smile:


Thanks. I will give it a try!

What are you using for your automatic?

Automation … dang autocorrect

home assistant running on a raspberry pi
hacs > Wyze Integration
tuya integration

Tuya 1 channel 24v wifi relay for switching the C wire leading to my thermostat. C from the furnace is connected to the Com terminal of the relay, and the NC terminal is connected to the wyze’s C wire.

The following automation: (you’ll need to edit to add your tuya device id and your wyze thermostat’s entity string)

These are the timings that work for me, any less, and sometimes it doesn’t fire properly due to latency.

alias: Toggle power to thermostat when offline
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - <your wyze thermostat's entity string here>
    from: null
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
    to: unavailable
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 45
      milliseconds: 0
  - alias: Toggle C wire relay open
    service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      device_id: <your tuya relay here>
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 30
      milliseconds: 0
  - alias: Toggle C wire relay closed
    service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
      device_id: <your tuya relay here>
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
mode: single

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I reposted this in Fix-it-Friday again for this month:

If it is still happening to you, consider going to that thread and “liking” the post to vote that it is affecting you.

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My thermostat is never turned off and it happens two to three times a week. Odd that the other Wyze thermostat in the same house on the same network never goes offline.

We got this accepted as the highest-impact priority issue for the forums this month (Fix-it-Friday). Here is what they are asking for so they can fix this:

@speadie @RamblingTexan @haltriumph @oneilldm @DiscountTent and anyone who sees this issue come up, the next time your thermostats drops offline can you submit a log (I’m guessing do this right after it comes back online?) and post the log number in this thread:

I’m not experiencing this issue myself, but I submitted it this month on your behalf so we could get something done for you guys! :+1: And it was selected as the priority high-impact bug this month for the forums. I hope it helps.

Also, special thanks to speadie for everything you have always done to help out around here related to the thermostats! Your HVAC type of knowledge and volunteered help to everyone is very appreciated.


Unfortunatel it has taken Wyze way to long to begin addressing this issue and I have moved on to a different Thermostat option, ecobee, that is working flawlessly. If works well, beut is outside of my Wyze cosystem. Would have been my desire to stay with Wyze.

Wyze should get an ecobee, learn from its operations, then give us a better clone to utlize within the Wyze ecoystem.

I have previously sent in several log files to Wyze, crickets, crickets, crickets…

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Log # submitted: 1285129



It seems to come in waves for me. Had it drop 3 times on the 7th of January, and 2 times on the 8th and hasn’t happened since. but next time it does I’ll try to remember to submit a log.