Service Advisory - 4/15/2024

4/15/24 9:05 PM PT - Our metrics are showing most devices should be recovered, however, we will continue to keep a close eye on them. We apologize for the issues and thank you for your patience and help. If you continue to experience connectivity difficulty, please reach out to Wyze Customer Support.

6:47 PM PT - We are continuing to work on the issue and see some devices starting to recover. We will keep you updated as we progress.

5:39 PM PT - We are currently receiving reports of devices offline or not being able to connect. We are currently looking into the issue and will have an update as soon as we have some more information. Thank you for your patience.


All cams up and running at my house. :grinning:


Can confirm several devices of differing types are offline. (Plugs and cameras. )


I have various plugs (new and old) at two locations (different states) offline.


Weirdness here. Was going nuts. Glad I looked here before too much digging.


I’m having issues with devices offline and unable to connect and, oddly some are showing that they are offline but are actually on and connected


I’m having problems connecting on my iPhone. Can’t reach any cameras - all offline. Doorbell notification pops up on phone, but won’t connect when I answer.

This is happening since late last night, very early this morning. Thank you.

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Same here.

I also keep getting kicked out of the app - and can’t log back in. Just hangs.

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3 of 4 V3 pro offline.


One camera shows offline, but I’m able to connect to it and view it.

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v2 reporting Offline on Home tab, accessible Live View when tapping through.

Plug reporting Offline, router app shows it connected with good signal.

Just received email notification of this Service Advisory Topic via the forum email alert system. ~15 min from this topic’s posting.


Confirmed for bulbs and plugs. For each Device Group that I have set up, only one device can connect to the internet and the app. If I take the devices out of a Device Group, this resolves the issue. Not an acceptable workaround however. Please fix ASAP.

UPDATE: everything back online now, glad to see it.

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I still see no issues at my house. I can even see shared cameras fine. I must be on a premium server.


A helicopter :helicopter: has been circling our neighborhood roughly coincident with the anomalous activity. Seriously. :grin:


I previously set up those e-mail notifications per your instructive post, so thank you for that.

I also subscribed to all notifications for the :mega:service-advisory channel on Wyze’s Discord server, and I received that notification (via the Discord app on my phone) ~3 minutes after this topic posted. :upside_down_face:


One-upper. :laughing:

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Like many others, I noticed seemingly random devices were offline. Mostly plugs, light strips a couple of cameras and my thermostat.

Gradually, things came back online. Now, only the thermostat is offline and a V1 sensor is not updating its status. It shows “open” but it is actually closed. Nothing critical.

UPDATE: It seems more cameras are offline than I at first thought, about 12 of 30. Also, while none of my V1 or V2 sensors show as offline, none of them are responding to changes in status. All sensors never change from closed to open or open to closed. No motion sensors are reporting motion. I know they are detecting motion, it is not being relayed through the Wyze Sense Hub. It is plugged into the router. I may have to reboot it.


Color Bulbs, doorbell camera, and plug went offline. Turned all power off, then individually powered on until connected before powering on the next. That restored function at least. But beta firmware updates for bulbs are failing so far except for one group of bulbs. edit: also issues with Wyze app showing incorrect status (offline/online) vs actual state of device (online/offline). edit: Cam v3 now offline

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Sense hub and all connected devices offline. My internet is fine as all my non wyze devices work

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