Service Advisory - 4/15/2024

Nah, just givin’ you credit for your helpful post about the e-mail alerts and also wanting to give back by contributing my experience with the Discord notifications. :grin:


all cams offline.

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Thermostat and plugs offline Houston,Tx. area.

v2 Live View no longer accessible. Router app shows it connected with good signal. Probably needs a power cycle, but it’s hard to get to, and things are in flux, so I’ll just chill.

Plug is back online and responsive.

4/15/24 6:47 PM PT - We are continuing to work on the issue and see some devices starting to recover. We will keep you updated as we progress.


And @peepeep didn’t jump in with a “Houston, we have a problem” post? :exploding_head:

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I cannot arm or disarm my Wyze Sense Hub for Home Monitoring using the Wyze app. I’ve tried the app on various phones (iPhone 6s, iPhone 12, iPhone 7, Pixel 8 Pro, LG X Charge, Tmobile Revvl+ 5G, etc), and they behave similarly.

The app can access Wyze Cams and Wyze Doorbell fine.

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Looks like there was some recovery and then a new spike of issues soon afterward:


I bought a few no-name smart plugs from Home Depot for cheap a few years ago. They only went offline once or twice in a few years. Same with a no-name light bulb which never went offline (or not that i noticed) in 3 years. I bought Wyze cams 2 years ago and there have been half a dozen global outages that last for hours since I got these cams and several random disconnects and resets I had to do to get them working, I’m never buying Wyze smart plugs or lightbulbs–just cameras.


I have no problem with Houston. :wink:

Time for a dip in my imaginary hot tub. :bikini:


Seems the only cameras that are still working for me are the ones with SD cards. The cameras without SD cards are no longer working

All wyze v3 cams, some offline some online. Whats the dealio?
Same for other locations. No rhyme or reason.


Both my Wyze cams keep “clicking” and starting back up

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App shows cameras offline at random. Floodlight cameras are randomly turning the lights on and off.

My V3 cam offline here in California Palm Springs

I was able randomly to get live view for short periods of time but that isn’t working now. My fourth V Pro is offline now too. Only unaffected so far is my OG.

2208 EDT, half my cameras are out.

4/15/24 6:47 PM PT - We are continuing to work on the issue and see some devices starting to recover. We will keep you updated as we progress.

5:39 PM PT - We are currently receiving reports of devices offline or not being able to connect. We are currently looking into the issue and will have an update as soon as we have some more information. Thank you for your patience.


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Show it on the app if the service has the issues!!! My baby cam stopped working, so brought the one working from livingroom and it now doesn’t connect either. F…

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YES would be nice if the APP had the SERVICE OUTAGE feature added.
I am out side flipping breakers and stuff for the cams that are way out of reach thinking something is wrong with certain ones.


Right? Who’s gonna check the forum when there’s an issue? 2 out of 10 people I believe.