Since @peepeep posted the guide above and I mentioned receiving notifications from Wyze’s Discord server in a topic about the most recent outage (which the frog mentioned elsewhere), I figured I’d post a few screenshots in case anyone else wants to see how I set Discord for this. Note that these screenshots are from using Discord in a browser, but I receive the notifications from the Discord app running on my phone.
First of all are the notification settings for the Wyze server itself (right-click the Wyze server icon in the left column to activate this menu). I don’t recall changing these, so they may be the user defaults, but I have it set to notify me only of @‍mentions (so either mentions by name or by whatever “@‍groups/roles/whatever” I’m in, at least as I understand it). I also want mobile push notifications enabled:
Next, I right-click the service-advisory channel and select All Messages under Notification Settings:
Incidentally, I did the same thing for the software-updates channel to receive Discord push notifications whenever releases of app or firmware updates are announced:
There are probably different/better ways to do this (@carverofchoice wrote that some users mute the entire server except the service-advisory channel), but this is how I’ve chosen to do it as a non-power-user of Discord.