UPDATE 8/22/19 11:48 PM PT - Our service is now back to normal and all products should be functioning now. If you are still having trouble, please contact our support team. Thank you for your patience with us!
8/22/19 6:07 PM PT - The server maintenance is taking longer than the initial forecast and services may still be unstable for some customers. We will update once we have more information.
8/22/19 5:23 PM PT - The server load is improving but is not fully resolved with some issues with logging in, automation, and feedback submission. We are performing server maintenance to further address this problem and it may make the system unstable for the next 20-25 minutes. We apologize again.
8/22/19 4:40 PM PT - We are seeing levels returning toward normal so service should be restored for most people. If you are still having difficulty logging in, setting up new devices, using existing devices, viewing event videos, or using voice assistants, please let us know!
8/22/19 3:35 PM PT - Our engineers have identified a server spike that is impacting Wyze services involving login, app usage, and event video submission. We are investigating this now and will resolve it as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Yes, likewise, scary. App wouldn’t even load. Events empty. Generally just a “could not complete action” response after awhile. Wish list: More useful error detection and some message like “Wyze server problem, service unavailable.”
My Pan camera isn’t online but my Wyze Cam is, strange. Event feed is down.
I too would request a notification when the service has an issue; these ARE our security cameras after all, and I’m out of town at the moment so I’d prefer reliability, or, at the very least, knowledge of issues and an eta of when they’re going to be resolved.
I’ve been affected by it too. I thought something was messed up too. Logged out of app & logged back in. Doesn’t show any of my devices. Freaking me out so I decided to check website.
Just got done installing 4 bulbs and a pan cam. Thought I did something wrong…I am glad it wasn’t me and I found this forum. Though, as a suggestion, in the event of this type of event…perhaps an email notification to users would be a good idea.