The problem with this is that in some cases, nothing can be shown in the app during an outage because the server and connection to the app isn’t working right, so it often can’t update to do this. In the past, they tried sending out a push notification to everyone to tell them there was an outage issue, but sending a message to millions of accounts clogged up the system even more and extended the outage as the system was already trying to catch up from all the notifications it was supposed to send when things weren’t working right and adding millions more notifications caused more issues.
Something that some people do is join their Discord Server and then tell it to mute the whole server except for the “Service-Advisory” channel and then they can get a notification to pop up any time Wyze posts anything about a service advisory.
Additionally, a person can always check the Service Advisory site, or have Down Detector send a notification. There are also apps and sites that will send a notification any time any website changes in some way, and you can tell it to track either the Wyze service advisory site or Downdetector for Wyze and get a notification that way.
I’m sure there are better ways to handle it. I’m just trying to provide options for the way things currently are, not saying there aren’t better options that could be done.
(maybe a text or email we could opt in or out of would be a good option)