Playback button greyed out

Make sure you return within the return window. This problem has been around for two years. My friend returned his and got two just in case. He was lucky on the new units.

I hope for a fix but wouldn’t hold my breath.

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It might be a 2-year-old bug, but I didn’t have that problem with one of my V3s until this year. My V3s are all old.

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Sorry. I thought you were referring to the new ones. Hopefully your new v3s work.

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I have the same bug, bought v3 pro and v4’s same issue.

I have this problem on all newly readded cameras. I think they are quietly trying to kill this feature.

Allow me to explain why I think this… I had three Wyze cams I had stored after moving. Two of which were kept on the same WIFI network so I didn’t have to run through the setup process again. The other I readded to my account on a different WIFI. The one v2 I re-added lost that playback button and they all are at the same firmware revision and are using top of the line Samsung Endurance SD cards designed for police officer cameras.
I think Wyze is trying to quietly remove this function. I have the issue on my v3, v3 pro and v4 I purchased. Everyone I added to my account since this was posted has not worked.

No comment from Wyze and I see, it’s been over a year this issue has been going on with no explanation or status update. I use an android and it looks like iPhone and iPad has the same “bug”.


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I think I will hold off on new purchases.

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According to some testing described in another topic…


…there’s additional speculation that this particular issue may be related to time of activation/manufacture. :man_shrugging:


Very interesting.


That’s how I’m interpreting it, anyway. I read your post over there suggesting that someone set on Cam v3s :cam_v3: try to source from older stock. Given the available evidence, I think that seems reasonable, and I wonder if the same would be true for Cam Pan v3s :cam_pan_v3: (which is what I have).

Though I haven’t had significant problems with the cameras themselves, and I hardly ever use the Events tab in the app, I can certainly understand the maddening frustration this issue causes some users, especially when no official explanation has been given so far regarding which camera (batch) and app (version) combinations are affected and why.


Purchased 3 V3 cams off Amazon April 9, 2024 & the same issue of dimmed out “Playback” button (128GBSD cards). I am now out of Amazon return time frame unfortunately as I didn’t get the SD Cards till after the 30 day return window on the cameras. I have 2 other V3 cams I purchased 12/2022 that do not have this issue (32GB cards). I’ve swapped around SD cards troubleshooting & all SD cards work in all cameras. I am on Firmware for all cameras. It’s only these 3 new ones that have the dimmed “Playback” button. This happens on my iPad app as well as Android phone app. Has anyone tried reinstalling a lower version of firmware? Saw that on a different post & they said it worked. I thought about trying this but it doesn’t make sense if the 2 older camera have same for version & are working. At this point willing to give that a shot.

Extremely disappointed in these new Wyze V3 cameras.

Can do playback from events tab on older v3 cams
Activation Date 12/2/22 / purchased 12/2022

Cam 1
128GB SD card

Cam 2
128GB SD card

Prior to Playback dimmed out msg has appeared asking to insert SD card or purchase one from Wyze shop
Activation Date 5/4/24 / purchased April 2024


Experiencing issue on all cams as of 5/19/24 6pm PST

Cam 3
128GB SD card
Log ID 1417748

Cam 4
32GB SD card
Log ID 1417759

Cam 5
32GB SD card
Log ID 1417763

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That is bad and beyond ridiculous. Sorry to hear.

I seen replacements as the only cure. My friend bought one greyed-out playback cam with a 256GB card. We troubleshot but he ended up returning the buggy cam for another. He re-used the 256 GB card without issue.

This needs a resolution. Hopefully @WyzeJasonJ will find a final solution.


Dimmed out play back button on V3 cams purchased & activated 4/2024. 2 other V3 cams purchased & activated 12/2022 work fine.
Cam 3
128GB SD card
Log ID 1417748

Cam 4
32GB SD card
Log ID 1417759

Cam 5
32GB SD card
Log ID 1417763


Has the greyed-out playback button issue affected the V4 cams? If I need another cam, I might try V4 over V3.

Not on mine, it’s working. But wait, there’s a new firmware for V4. It may yet appear.

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Fingers crossed? :crossed_fingers::wink::smiling_imp:

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You go first, I might update mine next week after the dust settles. :grin:

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Eep. I’ve waited longer than that to update my Video Doorbell v2, because apparently the last two firmware releases have been hosed.

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To anyone here…has anyone tried reverting back to a previous firmware version (what one I don’t know) that worked & had the “Event Playback” start working again? I read in a Reddit post someone did that & it worked. Gotta find that post again. This is for V3 cam.

My v4 playback works fine.

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Any update on this?

I replaced a v2 with a regular v3 last week & now noticing event playback is greyed out like everyone else. SD card works fine when hitting playback from live view.

This v3 was from a double pack. I added the 1st v3 several months ago, zero issues, the 2nd one has the greyed out event playback button greyed out. Both have exact same firmware versions.

I activated 3 other v3s to test (a regular solo packaging & another double pack) & all had event greyed out playback even with different firmware.

I can only assume this is an app issue with newer activated cams within X amount of weeks/months.

I also tried updating the android app to the latest version, but instead of being greyed out, it claims there is no SD card even though I can still view SD card from live view.

All my cams have samsung sd cards in them (which have been tested beforehand), have tried formatting from the app & re-inserting the sd cards.

I am on CamPlus Lite - does everyone else with this issue also only have CamPlus Lite or Basic? I remember a few months ago people on Reddit were having issues activating their cams since they removed the CamPlus Lite subscription from the website. Perhaps this has something to do with it?

(On a side note, the new version of the app shows in Services Tab that CamPlus Lite now shows an expiration date in 2035…)

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I’d like to see an update, as well. There was quite a bit of discussion among users—doing their own troubleshooting—in April’s Fix-It Friday topic, but I haven’t yet seen any messaging that suggests a resolution from Wyze.

That’s the conclusion others seem to have drawn, as well.

I use my cameras without subscriptions but with microSD cards installed, and I’m experiencing this issue on one of my Cam Pan v3s (the one with the newer activation); another Cam Pan v3 demonstrates a different glitch.[1][2]

That’s an interesting question, and it makes me wonder if that timing coincides with some kind of potential before-or-after issue with activation dates. I’m unconvinced that the issue is related to Cam Plus Lite availability, because my Cam Pan v3s aren’t compatible with that plan, yet one of my cameras seems to be affected in the same way that the regular Cam v3s are…. :thinking:

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