Fix-It Friday - May 2024


Log ID: 1411809
Log ID: 1411816

Issue Description: Tapping on the microSD card Playback button after tapping to open an event from the Events screen still gives the “Unable to View Playback” message on one of my Cam Pan v3s and prompts me to insert a microSD card even though this camera already has one inserted (and set for continuous recording). If I tap the Livestream button and then tap the SD Card button on that screen, the camera shows me the recording timeline as expected (though it starts way back in time, much earlier in the day, and not at the present time as expected). (Log ID: 1411809)

Tapping on the microSD card Playback button after tapping to open an event from the Events screen for another Cam Pan v3 correctly navigates to the microSD card recording timeline location for the event but briefly shows a “Failed to load from local storage.” message on the viewer before it actually plays back the recording. (Log ID: 1411816)

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