Fix-It Friday - May 2024

When “record sound” is turned OFF under Advanced Settings on V3 and V3 Pro cameras some customers on Android phones and CAM unlimited get stuttering on event playback. It is still happening with the current version 2.50.5(449) of the Android App and all up-to-date V3/V3Pro camera firmware!
This was reported/accepted on the February, March, and April 2024 Fix-it Friday lists, and still has NOT been resolved.
Please Do NOT forget about this one!
Thanks very much!


Just adding another voice to this thread.

Recently set up my V2 doorbell and realized it’s not recording events nor is it notifying me of anything. It stopped by itself without any changes from me somewhere on May 5 or 6th. Perhaps it updated around this time.

I installed a microSD card hoping it might still record motion but no, it does not record new events.

Very frustrating. Please undo whatever code breaking change was made.

Edit: Mid-today (May 12) my doorbell started sending notifications for people. Was this fixed on server-side?


Given your experience, you probably want to :heart: vote for this post:

There are at least a couple of other threads here describing this experience, and the problems described by other users have caused me to be wary about updating the firmware on my own Video Doorbell v2. So far I’ve read only one user report about a successful firmware update.

Voting by clicking the :heart: icon at the bottom of a post is supposed to give Wyze an indication of what they should prioritize in terms of product fixes, but I share the frustration of many users here who are disappointed by Wyze’s silence with this particular issue.

Welcome to the Forum, @mattkri!


i am having the same issue after my doorbell updated to that freaking firmware!
how do i roll back to the previous firmware.
the doorbell cam is pretty important and it’s useless if i dont get notifications


Good luck. I have posted on this forum and several other Wyze forums about the firmware upgrade and it breaking notifications. Many others have as well. There is no way to roll back according to Wyze software engineers that I’ve talked to. They didn’t provide a method to do it with the doorbell V2.

The only way that I’d think, as others have suggested, is if Wyze took the older firmware that worked and made it a higher rev number and pushed it out……Which I’ve suggested and they just refuse to do.

A month plus now since they pushed broken firmware. I’ve posted, called, sent logs. Everything I can think of doing and it’s still just “radio silence” from Wyze. So disappointing.


Hey everyone,

I know we are running a bit late with this update and I do apologize. I was trying to make sure I could get as many updates as possible. I do not have updates on the new issues yet, but I want to get out the updates I have on the previous ones. I hope to have updates on the new issues soon. For now, let’s get to it. Here is our Fix-It Friday update:

- Let’s Take a Look at Some Previous Submissions -

Forum - Users are not able to connect to Live Stream if they are not on the same local network as the camera

We have been unable to replicate this but know it is affecting many. We have reached out to some of you to help us. If anyone has a camera affected by this and it is easily accessible, please replicate the issue and send in a log, post the log number here and we will push a firmware to the device that will allow us to get the type of log we need. We will then have you create microSD card logs and have you email them to us. If you are willing to do that let me know. Start with sending us a log and giving me the log number.

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Core - Sometimes Event Videos are not clickable, you will need to click on the one above or below it and then swipe to it

Is this still happening to you, if so let me know.

Reddit - When clicking on microSD from the Event Tab it says there is no microSD installed

The engineers are looking into the logs that have been submitted so far, but we could still use some more. Can you submit a log and let me know the log number?

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Forum - Wyze Cam Outdoor has a forced cooldown period of 1-minute even with Cam Plus and “No Cooldown” setting enabled

This issue is still being investigated. If you have sent in a log and have not given me the log number, please post it here. If you have not sent one in, please send in a log following the instructions below.

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Core - No Events showing on the Events tab

Please let me know if this is still affecting you, I believe it is still affecting some.

Discord - Wyze Sense Hub not reconnecting on its own

We are still looking into these reports, can you let me know how often this happens and what you do to get it to recover currently?

Core - Wyze Video Doorbell v1 notifications have images turned 90 degrees

I have seen reports from some users saying this is still an issue. If this is still happening to you please submit a log ang give me the log number. Also let me know specifically what app version and firmware version you are running.

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Forum - Wyze Thermostat drops offline often

We have found a possible solution for this and are working to get it in an upcoming firmware release.

Forum - Wyze Cam Pan v3 will not reconnect after it loses the connection

We are still looking into the information you have provided; I will pass along an update when I know more.

Reddit - Wyze Cam Pan v3 does not return to set home position

We released a beta that is a step towards fixing the waypoint drift issue. This beta will not change the current experience but will give us some data needed to get to that point. Thank you for your patience.

Reddit - Event playback in the app is stuttering

We are still looking into this, and I will update when I have more.

Reddit - No audio playback on Wyze Cam v3 when connected to Wyze Cam Floodlight accessory

There is a firmware release in beta currently that should help with this issue.

Forum - Video Playback stutters on Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam v3 Pro when record sound is turned off in settings

We are still looking into this, and I will update when I have more.

Forum - Status light not displaying correctly on Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam v3 Pro

The firmware release in beta should also resolve this issue.

Discord - Wyze Cam v3 does not stay connected to the Spotlight accessory

This should be merged into an upcoming firmware release.

Have a great week everyone. See you later this week!


Hi Jason, any thoughts on the V2 doorbell notification issues that I and several others are experiencing?


@WyzeJasonJ : Any update on the video Doorbell V2? Over a quarter of the posts on this thread (likely more) are related to this single issue. As stated by multiple users, this has been reported since the 4/8 firmware update so I would not classify it as a ‘new issue’. Your list does not touch on it, simply more radio silence as another user aptly put it. I understand you may not be the individual directly responsible for the fix, but being the public voice on this forum, are you providing this information and raising the priority for this MAJOR functionality issue to internal teams at Wyze? It has what we see as a quick and easy fix, but alas not one that has happened yet. I think I speak for most, if not all on this issue, that our patience is wearing thin on the lack of any response. We can understand a fix may not happen this second, but is extremely poor to have this continued trend of lack of communication.

It lends to a poor perception that users are actually listened to, which was a huge point why I personally invested in Wyze when the company was smaller and had far fewer products, because they LISTENED to their users and did what was best for them. What is the latest update here and when can we expect a fix? We aren’t asking for it immediately, but want to have our expectations set instead of simply being ignored.

I apologize if this seems harsh, that is not the intent, I would like to continue with Wyze but can’t without core functionality especially with products that are the latest to be released, new features sure bugs happen, but not core functionality.


Well said Jacob !! Thanks for articulating what MANY others are thinking…

My OG playback issue has been ignored since January… (15) OG cameras simultaneously exhibited the same issue. I logged a ticket twice, submitted for "Fix-It-It Friday once and wrote many responses in the forum and I have been totally ignored. Tickets were closed with no response. Fix-It-Friday wasn’t accepted and so on…

Very, very disappointing to be experiencing the current support culture with WYZE when it used to be soooo good. I have been with them from the beginning also… Good luck with your issues…



Log ID: 1411809
Log ID: 1411816

Issue Description: Tapping on the microSD card Playback button after tapping to open an event from the Events screen still gives the “Unable to View Playback” message on one of my Cam Pan v3s and prompts me to insert a microSD card even though this camera already has one inserted (and set for continuous recording). If I tap the Livestream button and then tap the SD Card button on that screen, the camera shows me the recording timeline as expected (though it starts way back in time, much earlier in the day, and not at the present time as expected). (Log ID: 1411809)

Tapping on the microSD card Playback button after tapping to open an event from the Events screen for another Cam Pan v3 correctly navigates to the microSD card recording timeline location for the event but briefly shows a “Failed to load from local storage.” message on the viewer before it actually plays back the recording. (Log ID: 1411816)

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I wish there was a button to upvote this post 100 times.

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@WyzeJasonJ I submitted log 1411850
App version: Android v2.50.5 (449)

Yes i totally agree with Jacob. I’ve had wyze products for a while and every since Wyze has started creating new products and becoming a bigger company, it seems they are losing “the personal touch” and paying less attention to customer concerns and product issues as they used to when it was a smaller company.


Re-adding a Wyze Bulb triggers a Purchase of Cam Plus Monthly screen

I changed my Wi-Fi password and was trying to re-setup my 2019 Wyze bulbs (3 of them).

Setup goes fine but then it gets to a mandatory screen “Attach your new camera to your Cam Plus plan.”

It’s a light bulb not a camera. No way to get out of that screen other than the Continue button.

Unselecting the auto-renew at $2.99 option or leaving it then tapping Continue throws it into a long “Loading…” loop that eventually doesn’t do anything.

The bulbs will stop flashing after a few minutes and if I force quit the Wyze app and relaunch it, the bulbs appear (as well as in Google Home app). However, the functionality is broke. Unable to adjust brightness, shut off the apps, etc; the bulbs are non-responsive in either Wyze app or Google Home app.

iOS 17.4.1
Wyze app ver 2.50.6 (1)


That stinks, and apparently you’re not alone. This is described in another topic:

Hopefully your post will get it some :heart: votes and visibility for those affected. Welcome to the Forum, @JunkEmailFree, and thank you for contributing!


@WyzeJasonJ - Another log from my March 2024 V3 cam "no playback of SD from events page. Log #1411883. 09:54 AM, 13 May 2024, Pacific Time.

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Is there a playback update for Google home hub? I purchased wyze camv3 back in November 2023 due to the fact it should be compatible with Google home hub. Here it is now 6 months latter and still no update

The below issue is affecting a lot of users with their doorbell cam v2 since early April after upgrading their firmware to The firmware seemed to have broken something that no longer allows motion to be captured and therefore provides no alerts. Is this being looked at? It seems like an important issue to a device that serves a great purpose.

Core - No Events showing on the Events tab
Please let me know if this is still affecting you, I believe it is still affecting some.”

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Thank you for the update on this, @WyzeJasonJ!


@WyzeJasonJ : Thank you for providing the communication on the firmware update. This is what we have been asking for: clear and concise communication on the issue.