Fix-It Friday - May 2024

@WyzeJasonJ here is a log for the outdoor cam which reverts back to 1 minute cooldown

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Wyze Doorbell V2 notifications are almost non functional since the April 8 update.

It seems to be known by the company as there was a beta firmware release that unfortunately did not resolve the problem.

Since then radio silence, Please just roll back to the previous firmware as it was working properly.


Any luck resolving the notifications issue on Wyze Doorbell V2?


When is anything going to get fixed?
Still 1 Minute Cooldown on WCO when set to no cooldown since November 2023
Still can’t playback SD recording from events page on new V3 since Feb.2024.
Some members still can not access their cams unless they are on their own Wi-Fi.
The list is too long to post and the known issues page on support section needs to be updated.
Are we going to have one big Fix it April, May,June, July ,August event? :unamused:


You suggest Fix-It Season? Fix-It Always? Fix-It Now? :upside_down_face:

Don’t hold back, why don’t you tell us how you really feel :rofl:

FIX IT NOW. Or at least give an honest update, we don’t have a fix?


I’m sending my :raccoon: Army to the WYZE Office to protest, they all have mask anyway.


That gets my :heart:.

I guess that’s what you get when you sell cheap gear. You have to cut corners somewhere. In Wyze’s case it’s programers. I bet they’re all unpaid interns :rofl:

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Maybe they can get some temp help from all the fired Google employees?

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But than they’ll have to pay them top dollar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We have 2 bells from these stops because they don’t notify! We cannot return it because we are in Brazil-SP

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How about fixing the notification issue with Wyze Video Doorbell v2 that DOZENS of people have complained about since the latest firmware upgrade? Wyze broke the basic function of the doorbell (notification of button press) with an “upgrade of the firmware”. It has now been a month and a Beta release of firmware attempting to fix this did nothing. Does ANYONE at Wyze care about this? Dozens of people have complained about the same thing for over a month! You’ve made your product basically useless with this latest firmware and no way to roll back!


I’m really struggling to understand why the botched firmware upgrade for the V2 Doorbell from April 8th is simply not rolled back?

Customers who have not accepted this update are still working properly so it is not like it is needed to continue functioning


I have mentioned this same thing in other Forum topics. The inability in the app to rollback the firmware is a gap. This should be allowed for users that want to do it. SOME Wyze cameras have the ability to insert an SD card with a special filename and the camera will read it and install that firmware. The Video Doorbell v2 offers no such functionality, even if one could get an earlier firmware file. I’ve confirmed this with two different Wyze customer support reps.

It is also just amazing that given the latest firmware has broken the basic functionality of the doorbell, that for 1+ month now, Wyze has left that broken firmware out there and not set the firmware to rollback to a prior version that worked but maybe had 1 or 2 less new functional “improvements”. I have plead this case to so many support people via emails and chats and all I ever get is their canned response that “Wyze engineers are working on it”. It’s really disappointing. A temporary fix for all of us experiencing the notification issue would be so simple for them to do, yet for some reason, they just refuse to do it.



If there is a problem with “going back” version wise, take the old one, give it a newer higher number, then release that…

“Downgrade” accomplished!



@WyzeJasonJ @WyzeTeam : This is a known issue with multiple posts about it for the Wyze Doorbell V2. How have we not just rolled back to the previous firmware? Seems like a simple fix in the short term as you determine the long-term fix. Frustrating when these events aren’t recorded, the doorbell being a primary camera I would want to watch my house. I am sure you can agree.


It’s Friday, a month later. Fix the doorbell v2 major notification issue. Otherwise send out replacements for all those with the botched firmware. I already replaced mine under warranty, but the more voices Wyze hears, maybe they will fix it.

Rollback the botched firmware or replace the devices affected!


And at the absolute least, why not remove the bad firmware so that people (the lucky few) don’t accidentally continue to download it…

“There’s an issue with your firmware. It’s breaking basic functionality and defeating the purpose of having a smart doorbell.”


“So, are you going to fix it or are you going to just leave it out there so more people can unknowningly make their doorbells USELESS and also not give us any updates on the progress of a fix?”


“Wait… Which is it?”

