Fix-It Friday - June 2024


Device Activation Date Log ID Wyze Ticket ID
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 01/29/2024 1445191 3938662
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 03/05/2023 1445193 3938668
This is what I'm seeing…

This is what I’m seeing with several camera devices when I tap the microSD card Playback button after selecting an event while on the Events tab:

Product Firmware Activation Date Experience after tapping µSD Playback button
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 03/05/2023 Event plays after presenting errors.1
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 01/29/2024 “Unable to View Playback”2
:cam_og: Cam OG 1.0.80 01/29/2024 :+1:3
:cam_v4: Cam v4 06/15/2024 Event plays after presenting errors.1
:doorbell_v2: Video Doorbell v2 08/29/2023 Event plays after presenting errors.4
  1. The app navigates to the camera’s playback screen and very briefly shows a “No video at the selected time.” message over a static image capture in the playback area. In addition, there’s an overlay of that same area that quickly appears and says “Failed to load from local storage.” with a green “Troubleshoot” link below that. If I tap quickly enough to hit that link, the app presents a Troubleshoot screen with advice to Check Service Advisory, Troubleshoot Connection Issues, etc. If I don’t tap anything else, the event plays after a few moments.
  2. The app shows the “Unable to View Playback” dialog with Cancel and Upgrade buttons, prompting me to insert a microSD card, buy one from the Wyze Shop, and upgrade to Cam Plus. I can Cancel and hit the Livestream button, which navigates to that camera’s main screen. Here, I have two options:
    • Tap the SD Card button on that screen, which initially shows the Waypoints below the view area. This takes me to ~06:59 in the timeline (another :microbe:?[1]), then
      • I can scroll the timeline to find the event and watch it play :+1:, or
      • I can tap GO LIVE to go back to the live view with the RECENT EVENTS list showing below the viewer area (it has apparently slid up over the WAYPOINTS area at this point), and tap the event thumbnail, but this shows me only a static image capture in the view area. (I assume this thumbnail-only view is the expected behavior without a Cam Plus subscription.)
    • Swipe up from the RECENT EVENTS drawer to show that list with the same thumbnails as previously described. :point_up:
  3. After some lag, the video plays without any extraneous error message.
  4. The app navigates to the camera’s playback screen and very briefly shows a “No video at the selected time.” message over a static image capture in the playback area. In addition, there’s an overlay of that same area that quickly appears and also says “No video at the selected time.”[2] with a green “Troubleshoot” link below that.

I’m using the current production version of the Android app ( and doing continuous recording to microSD without a subscription. The particular issue described in this Fix-It Friday item (the prompt to insert a microSD card when one is already present) is affecting only the newer of my two Cam Pan v3s. While this is an expanded description of possibly two or more bugs, it’s substantially the same experience that I logged and described in last month’s Fix-It Friday.

  1. If I navigate to the live view screen and tap the SD Card button, then the app jumps to ~06:59 in the recording timeline. If I tap GO LIVE and then SD Card again, this second tap of SD Card jumps to a contemporary point on the timeline. I don’t know why the experience is different between the two taps of the SD Card control, but I haven’t seen this inconsistency described in detail elsewhere, and it feels like a bug. ↩︎

  2. Note that this time the initial message and overlay message are the same, which is different than the “No video at the selected time.”/“Failed to load from local storage.” combination described above. ↩︎