Fix-It Friday - June 2024

Actually a WYZE Cam that we, as registered owner,
report/tag (in app) to WYZE as stolen
… updated …
what is critical is that our cloud storage is ours …
… the challenge is that we cannot access our cloud stored video clips without the cam, can we?

Can we see them on the browser interface even if the cam is gone? I don’t think so??


I personally I don’t care if someone steals my $50 camera. What I care is that the footage gets removed. There should be some sort of backup of that footage.


You shouldn’t even have to ask since you are already paying for this service.


Agreed, that’s why I used Apple iCloud as an example. No matter what happens to my phone, the content on the iCloud belongs to me and only me.


agreed. I deleted my previous comment !! :grinning: I actually changed my comment but still relevant.

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No need to, we’re just expressing our opinions.


The cam shouldn’t be part of the equation. If the video is in the cloud we should be able to access it through the app.


Wouldn’t that require a significant change to the design of the app?

Which is a wishlist item if you want to submit it. or maybe it is there.

No, not really. That feature was on the wish list long ago and it was granted by Wyze. Then for some unknown reason, Wyze quietly removed it.


It shouldn’t require any change to the app at all, or, if it does, then I would expect any such change to be minimal.

That’s the whole point right there. If a user is subscribing to a Wyze Security Plan, then those videos captured by a subscribed camera are already on Wyze’s servers and should be accessible to the user whether the camera is accessible or not.



I know there was an issue with detection grids dissappearing and it was fixed awhile back. Had to redo my netowrk as I got a new modem so rest and added the cameras to the new network and its doing the same thing. Detection grids gone. Updated firmware, reset software, reset camera, powercycled camer, and phones. IoS 13 and xr. I have the wyze cam pan, one of the first ones released. Please help as I dont want to keep getting notfications all day and night.

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Howdy everyone,

I know it has been a bit since we had an update, we have been improving some internal processes and getting things in place to hopefully make this smoother in the future. I am still working on updates for the new issues, but I want to get out the updates on the existing ones and get us back on track. Hers is our Fix-It Friday update:

Forum - Users are not able to connect to Live Stream if they are not on the same local network as the camera

This has been a tough one so far as we were unable to replicate this internally. We have received many logs that helped us out and also had some users help with some special firmware that gave us more in-depth logs. We have located a few causes for this issue and are working on the fixes now. There is still one cause we found affecting a minimal amount of users that we do not have a fix for yet and we will continue to work on that one. The other fixes are currently in QA testing and we hope to have out soon

Reddit - When clicking on microSD from the Event Tab it says there is no microSD installed

The engineers think they have found the issue. We have deployed a temporary resolution while we work on the permanent fix for this. If you are still experiencing this can you please verify that you app and firmware for the device in question are up to date, if they are could you please submit a log?

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Forum - Wyze Cam Outdoor has a forced cooldown period of 1-minute even with Cam Plus and “No Cooldown” setting enabled

We are still investigating this issue and have been able to replicate it now. I will have a further update as soon as I have more.

Core - No Events showing on the Events tab

We believe we have found the resolution for this, please let me know if you are still affected by this. If you are could you also submit a log and post the log number for me to give to the engineers?

In the Wyze app, go to Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log. Select your device from the dropdown menu. Then fill in the description box with the date, time, and time zone of the most recent time you noticed this issue and a description of what’s happening. Make sure the Send Logs option is selected and then submit your log. When you have the log number, please post it and tag me so I can get it to the right folks.

Discord - Wyze Sense Hub not reconnecting on its own

We are currently working on the hub reconnection issues and I will have more as soon as I have an update.

Core - Wyze Video Doorbell v1 notifications have images turned 90 degrees

We thought we had this fixed once and some users still reported issues. We think we have been able to fix it for the rest of the users but that fix is still being tested. I will let you know once it is released.

Forum - Wyze Thermostat drops offline often

We are still working on getting this fixed rolled into a firmware release.

Forum - Wyze Cam Pan v3 will not reconnect after it loses the connection

We are still looking into the root cause of this issue. Thank you for your continued patience.

Reddit - Wyze Cam Pan v3 does not return to set home position

I will be removing this from the list until I have a further update on the status of a new firmware fix.

Reddit - Event playback in the app is stuttering

We are still looking into this, and I will update when I have more.

Reddit - No audio playback on Wyze Cam v3 when connected to Wyze Cam Floodlight accessory

There is a firmware release in beta currently that should help with this issue.

Forum - Video Playback stutters on Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam v3 Pro when record sound is turned off in settings

We are still looking into this, and I will update when I have more.

Forum - Status light not displaying correctly on Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam v3 Pro

The firmware that is currently in public beta should resolve this issue.

Discord - Wyze Cam v3 does not stay connected to the Spotlight accessory

We are looking to merge this into an upcoming firmware release.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, see you next week!


So no update on the above…


V3 installed 12 March 2024. iOS App 2.50.7 (10), firmware
Last tried 09:12:48 AM Pacific Time 17 June 2024
Log # 1143917

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(Forum - Status light not displaying correctly on Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam v3 Pro
The firmware that is currently in public beta should resolve this issue.)

This one does seem fixed with the latest firmware for me.

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Since the change was made intentionally it is not a bug and not eligible for this list, however I did put an update earlier in this thread that the team has seen the feedback and will be changing it back, but I do not have an ETA.


FYI, that wasn’t a question and wasn’t directed at you. I was just stating a fact. We all do what we can and as usual your efforts are greatly appreciated.


Let me add this to the list of things you said are coming:

  1. WPA 3 support on v2’s as stated in release notes over 3 years ago
  2. A fix for the v3 no sound stuttering issue
  3. This latest promise of restoration of functionality that was removed without consulting or informing users

I am not shooting the messenger, as that is all you are. However, WYZE continues to feed you a lot of crap that gets passed on to us. Many WYZE users are nothing more than mushrooms…Fed crap and kept in the dark.

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Still getting “Micro SD Card Not Found” error when trying to view Playback from the Event screen. I am able to view the SD card from the Home / Live View page of this camera. Pacific Daylight Time 3:33PM is the time of the last”Micro SD Card Not Found” error.

IOS app 4.50.7 (10)
V3 firmware

Log ID 1444260

“ We have deployed a temporary resolution while we work on the permanent fix for this”
@WyzeJasonJ , is there anything on the User end we can be trying while you have a temporary resolution in place? Thanks.



Device Activation Date Log ID Wyze Ticket ID
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 01/29/2024 1445191 3938662
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 03/05/2023 1445193 3938668
This is what I'm seeing…

This is what I’m seeing with several camera devices when I tap the microSD card Playback button after selecting an event while on the Events tab:

Product Firmware Activation Date Experience after tapping µSD Playback button
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 03/05/2023 Event plays after presenting errors.1
:cam_pan_v3: Cam Pan v3 01/29/2024 “Unable to View Playback”2
:cam_og: Cam OG 1.0.80 01/29/2024 :+1:3
:cam_v4: Cam v4 06/15/2024 Event plays after presenting errors.1
:doorbell_v2: Video Doorbell v2 08/29/2023 Event plays after presenting errors.4
  1. The app navigates to the camera’s playback screen and very briefly shows a “No video at the selected time.” message over a static image capture in the playback area. In addition, there’s an overlay of that same area that quickly appears and says “Failed to load from local storage.” with a green “Troubleshoot” link below that. If I tap quickly enough to hit that link, the app presents a Troubleshoot screen with advice to Check Service Advisory, Troubleshoot Connection Issues, etc. If I don’t tap anything else, the event plays after a few moments.
  2. The app shows the “Unable to View Playback” dialog with Cancel and Upgrade buttons, prompting me to insert a microSD card, buy one from the Wyze Shop, and upgrade to Cam Plus. I can Cancel and hit the Livestream button, which navigates to that camera’s main screen. Here, I have two options:
    • Tap the SD Card button on that screen, which initially shows the Waypoints below the view area. This takes me to ~06:59 in the timeline (another :microbe:?[1]), then
      • I can scroll the timeline to find the event and watch it play :+1:, or
      • I can tap GO LIVE to go back to the live view with the RECENT EVENTS list showing below the viewer area (it has apparently slid up over the WAYPOINTS area at this point), and tap the event thumbnail, but this shows me only a static image capture in the view area. (I assume this thumbnail-only view is the expected behavior without a Cam Plus subscription.)
    • Swipe up from the RECENT EVENTS drawer to show that list with the same thumbnails as previously described. :point_up:
  3. After some lag, the video plays without any extraneous error message.
  4. The app navigates to the camera’s playback screen and very briefly shows a “No video at the selected time.” message over a static image capture in the playback area. In addition, there’s an overlay of that same area that quickly appears and also says “No video at the selected time.”[2] with a green “Troubleshoot” link below that.

I’m using the current production version of the Android app ( and doing continuous recording to microSD without a subscription. The particular issue described in this Fix-It Friday item (the prompt to insert a microSD card when one is already present) is affecting only the newer of my two Cam Pan v3s. While this is an expanded description of possibly two or more bugs, it’s substantially the same experience that I logged and described in last month’s Fix-It Friday.

  1. If I navigate to the live view screen and tap the SD Card button, then the app jumps to ~06:59 in the recording timeline. If I tap GO LIVE and then SD Card again, this second tap of SD Card jumps to a contemporary point on the timeline. I don’t know why the experience is different between the two taps of the SD Card control, but I haven’t seen this inconsistency described in detail elsewhere, and it feels like a bug. ↩︎

  2. Note that this time the initial message and overlay message are the same, which is different than the “No video at the selected time.”/“Failed to load from local storage.” combination described above. ↩︎