You know what that means. it means it is time for this month’s Fix-It-Friday callout!
If this is your first Fix-It Friday, welcome! For background, while our communities are not designed to be a replacement for Wyze Support , our community members and community managers do our best to help you out here. As our communities scale up, we want to make sure that any outstanding bugs or issues that you folks are facing are on our internal radar and that we’re transparent in our process of working on them.
Here’s how this works:
We’ll make a post on the first Friday of the month in every community (Core Community on Facebook, Forums, Reddit, and Discord).
Check the comments. If you see any other comments with issues that you’re facing, vote for them with a like (the heart button at the bottom of their reply)
Got something new? Reply to our post with the top issue that you’re facing this week with your Wyze products to help loop us in.
We’ll grab the top comment from each community and make a follow-up post on Monday to detail what those issues are and how we plan to fix them. If we need more info from the community to help figure out what’s going on, we’ll let you know on Monday - so please make sure to take a look!
The following Mondays in the month, we’ll be posting updates about our progress on Fix-It Friday submissions.
Sometimes Mondays are actually Tuesdays if we don’t get all the info we need on time for posting on Monday. Our apologies!
Remember, this is for existing things that aren’t working right. If you are looking for a new feature or for us to add functionality that’s not already available, please use our Wishlist instead!
We’re constantly working on improvements for everyone. But we hope that this process will both help us prioritize issues that are important to our communities and help you feel more in the loop.
Got a request for something new or an additional feature? Check our Wishlist to see if it’s in the works or has been requested.
If you want to see how this works, you can check this previous Fix-It Friday post:
Thermostat is going offline sometimes for some people
Our resident Thermostat expert and helper @speadie indicates that this only happens to them during the winter and not during the summer when they have the Thermostat off. So maybe that can help Wyze figure out what the cause is related to
When enabling friendly faces, there is a popup that makes you want 10 seconds and agree. On some cameras there is another almost identical popup after agreeing to the first one. This is very annoying, and makes it take up to 20 seconds per camera to enable friendly faces.
Please fix the video playback stutter on event playback for those that have “Record Sound” turned OFF under advanced settings. Here is a link to the thread where a customer identified the cause of this issue:
It happens on both my V3 and V3 pro cameras.
In some states it is not legal to record conversations without permission, so many of us turn “Record Sound” OFF.
This one actually went on the Fix-It Friday list last month, we are still asking for more logs and screen recordings to help us find the issue but we have not had any sent in. You could help us out by sending in a log for one of the cameras with the issue and a screen recording showing us what is happening. Here is a copy of the last update we sent out.
There should be no need for a log. All you have to do is go into advanced settings
on a V3 or V3 Pro camera with current firmware and the 2.48.0 Android App and turn OFF “Record Sound”. Force a motion event to hit the cloud, then watch the video in the event viewer. You will see it stutter when doing 1x or 2x playback. If you turn ON “Record Sound”, and force a NEW event, the stutter goes away. I don’t know if the Iphone app does it, but it is definitely a bug in the Android app. Thanks!!
It is aggravating when watching playback (unless you go 4x).
I am not experiencing the issue either. I have Record Sound off on all my v3 cameras. Viewing Cloud Event videos are smooth on IOS and Android (App versions 2.48 on both).
V3 firmware
Cam Plus Lite.
I am also not experiencing the issue or able to replicate it (I tried). This is why they have been asking for logs from those who are experiencing it, so they can see what the difference is, and why that exact configuration inflicts it on you, but not others. But so far nobody with the problem will submit logs, so they can’t fix it because they can’t even see or replicate the problem to know what the core cause is that makes it happen to you, but not me or others.
I tested a few cameras and it looks like the video doorbell pro, battery cam pro, and floodlight pro all do this, but the regular v3 does not do this. I will try and test with some other camera models tomorrow
You guys do a LOT of beta testing (app and firmware), I have never participated in that program.
Should I create the log while using the Event Viewer Playback?
Here are my detailed settings:
App Settings:
“Enable Hardware Decoder” and “Running in the background” are both OFF.
I have Cam+ Unlimited and all cameras are activated on it.
All cameras are in ONE group and they use detection zones and “Record Sound” OFF.
All have SD cards in them and are doing continuous recording.
Android App v2.48.0 (379)
V3 Firmware Plugin Version Activation Date 9/13/2021
V3 Pro Firmware Plugin Version Activation Date 11/07/2022
The stuttering happens on event playback on just the V3 and V3 Pros (not the V2s).
It happens on both my fully updated Android 14 Pixel 6a and Pixel 8 (could be phone related if Wyze uses the native video playback on the phone).
The Pixel 8 is a relatively new install too. Special Note:
Event Playback does NOT stutter on the new Webview using Firefox!
Thanks! UPDATE:
After I sent in the Log File, I remembered to check Developer Options to make sure I had not changed any settings in there, but I had:
Windows Animation Scale was OFF
Transition Animation Scale was OFF
Animator Duration Scale was OFF
I do NOT like the shrinking window effect, so I normally turn that off on all my phones.
I went ahead and set all to 0.5 and tried it again and it still stuttered with “Record Sound” OFF. I also tried it with “Enable Hardware Decoder” ON in Wyze Android App settings, and it still stuttered. My only other non-standard camera setting I can think of is I have “Motion Tagging” OFF on most cameras.
Android App update today version 2.48.1(381) did not fix the stuttering on event playback.
That’s excellent, helpful information for the devs! Thank you for taking the time for all that @muerte33 !
Now, in addition to that, one of the things that would be the most helpful is around the next time you notice the issue happen, in the Wyze app, will you select the account tab at the bottom right, then the Wyze Support option, select “Submit a log” and select the camera camera this is happening on for you. Then probably select the “image quality issues” log. Leave a short description of the issue (so they confirm they are looking at the right log) and submit it. Then post that log number here and tag WyzeJasonJ (or reply to me and I will make sure Jason doesn’t miss it).
Appreciate your help! Everyone wants to make sure your experience is good too, and this will help improve that.