We are releasing firmware for the Wyze Cam v3, v3 Pro and Wyze Cam Pan v2. This fixes bugs that caused events to not be recorded and incorrect LED status. This will be gradually released over the next few weeks.
Read our Release Notes:
We are releasing firmware for the Wyze Cam v3, v3 Pro and Wyze Cam Pan v2. This fixes bugs that caused events to not be recorded and incorrect LED status. This will be gradually released over the next few weeks.
Read our Release Notes:
Does it address the crappy connectivity due to the last firmware?
We did make connectivity improvements so I hope so.
I just flashed one of my V3 cameras with this latest stable release and did the network test again. This latest Cam V3 firmware has the same issue as the previous beta firmware of and
After 30 min of internet outage (not power cycled), the Cam V3 will automatically restart itself. This is a new behaviour with this firmware. Since there is no internet to sync the time, it will start recording files and timestamp based on the firmware date that was built (wrong date and wrong folder). The Wyze app relies on the recordings being in the correct folder to align the footage chronologically and to play it back. As a result, you need to physically remove the micro SD card to play the footage back in a phone or PC. Flashing this Cam V3 firmware will cause to act exactly like the Cam OG cameras. In comparison, the Cam V3 firmware of can playback without any problem (under the same condition) because it doesn’t restart itself after 30 minutes of internet outage.
In addition to the Cam V3, it is likely this behaviour is the same Cam V3 Pro and Cam Pan V2 as well. They are probably using within the same firmware branch hence ending in “13.0416”
I just got notified today that my three V3 Pro cameras were ready to update to from (22 days after the announcement). I have lots more V3 cameras and they are still parked at I have auto-updates turned OFF.
The first V3 Pro updated fine, but seemed to take longer than I expected.
The second V3 Pro I attempted to update failed after 10 minutes, but updated successfully on the second try. The third updated on the first try and only took 3 minutes.
Log ID: 1527794
V3 FW:
Floodlight FW:
Web Portal: 2.8.3
There is no live audio on Web Live for my old Floodlight V1 (Floodlight with V3 camera attached). I made sure it was unmuted, but there’s still no audio. My other Cam V3 cameras have live audio working on Web Live.
I would love to have some confirmation from others, but I have some good news!
The firmware update to the V3 Pro camera fixed a bug for me!
When “Record Sound” is unchecked under advanced settings I USED to get stuttering on Camplus event playback. Since this update when you click on a Camplus Event Playback, it is now SMOOTH on the V3 Pro. I cannot wait to get the new V3 firmware now to see if it fixes the jerky playback on the regular V3 cameras!
Like I have mentioned before, it is not legal in some states to record audio conversations without permission.
Thanks WyzeJasonJ !!!
Do you have access to V3 firmware yet?
It would be nice to see if this new firmware for the V3 fixes the stuttering event playback on the V3 like it did on the V3 Pro (I have lots more V3 cameras).
We are almost 25 days since release, and still no sign of the new V3 firmware for me to test.
I am with you 100% I am still waiting for WYZE to push the latest firmware to me. Here it is 8/15/2024 and they still haven’t pushed the v3 firmware that was released on 7/18/2024 to me.
Ho hum…
Good day Jason. It has been a month and I still have not had the new firmware pushed to me. Please advise and thanks.
It is a very gradual release I just got it yesterday for my Android devices, No worries you will get it
I still do not have the V3 firmware updates from 7/18/2024. The V3 Pro one worked great on my three V3 Pros. It is now over a month late on my regular V3s.
Must be running on WYZE time. I know it states gradual release for the V3 Pro firmware (7/18/24) but today is 26 August 2024 and and my V3Pro still .8391 and says up to date. And no I am not going to take it down and flash to the new version since the cam works just fine the way it is.
I still don’t have the V3 (non-pro) as of 8/28/2024.
I am like you though, I am NOT going to pull them down and flash them manually.
If I had to replace an SDcard I would though.
I am so looking forward to smooth video playback on the Cam Unlimited Events on the V3 cameras (I have many more of them than the pros).
It works smooth as silk on the V3 Pros now.
I imagine that firmware updates have become such a nightmare for them that a gradual rollout is the safe thing to do.
The firmware for my V3 cams showed up on 09 August.
Coming up on seven weeks since the latest v3 firmware was released. Seven weeks is far from a few weeks. Heck, seven weeks is over 13% of the year.
When does WYZE plan to complete this painfully slow gradual rollout?
I’m waiting for the V3 Pro firmware from 7/18/24 to show up .
I manually flashed one of my Cam V3 back to and I have not received update prompt to firmware either.
MAC: 7C:78:B2:xx:xx:xx
At this point, I highly suspect something is wrong with the WYZE cloud. In the original post by @WyzeJasonJ he stated a few weeks. We are well past that point and he has gone silent even though I have tagged him in at least two messages.
Ho hum…and PAR for the course.
That seems like a reasonable suspicion, since they had a cloud issue and had to pause another July firmware update (for Video Doorbell v2). It’d be nice for y’all (I don’t own any Cam v3s) to get a situation report, though.