V3 wont record on the card when no internet

On your current firmware, you should be able to see the missing footage on the Wyze app on July 3 2024 around 1am. This date and time is only unique with this particular firmware. The footage is still in the microSD, but saved at another date. You can check out this post here as to why it is happening.

Downgrade to for your 2021 Cam V3.


If you happen to power cycle your V3 camera while there is no internet, then it will start recording on the date based on the firmware build date.

  • firmware build date is January 4th 2024 and footage should be starting to record at 19:39
  • firmware build date is July 3rd 2024 and footage should be starting to record at 01:10

As to why this is only happening to your 2021 V3 and not the 2023 V3, it is possible this is only impacting the older V3 with Realtek RTL8189FTV wifi chip. The newer V3 are equipped with Altobeam ATBM6031 wifi chip. I’m only guessing here so I don’t really know what’s going on.