Wyze Battery Cam Pro & Cam v3 Firmware Beta Test 1/2/2025

Wyze Battery Cam Pro Beta:


What’s New

  • Fixed a bug that caused Cam Plus videos to not upload properly

Wyze Cam v3 Beta:


What’s New:

  • Security improvements

Installed without issues on my Battery Cam pro’s. Update was quick and had no issue connecting and streaming

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Updated 16 V3 cameras. One failed as expected because where my truck is parked is at the absolute edge of WiFi. Will try that when it’s home where I have good WiFi for it. Three others showed that the updated failed, and they are not pingable by my router. Interestingly, two of them are connected to the WiFi. I will power cycle them when I get home.

While I was able to update two V3s successfully, they remained offline until a hard power cycle in order to reconnect to the network.

The three cameras that failed to update are working after a power cycle, and the one in the truck has updated when in range of WiFi…

Good news. With this latest beta firmware for Cam V3, it will no longer restart itself when the internet is out for more than 30 minutes.

Previously with firmware, it will restart itself after 30 minute of internet outage causing issue with playback micro SD footage on the Wyze app as noted below for reference.

Can someone confirm the V3 firmware version. Did not notice until now that Andy’s original message said the new V3 firmware version is I believe that was a typo since V3 cameras are version 4.36.x y whereas V3 Pro cameras are 4.58.x y.

My V3 (not Pro) cameras updated yesterday to whereas my V3 Pro cameras remain at

I believe this was a typo also. Got the new update for my v3s at

Upgraded 2 V3’s. Both did come back on their own but took longer than normal, almost 5 minutes. One of my V3s still shows the turning gears on the firmware page after the upgrade but does show the new version. Will power cycle it after some time if it doesnt go away.

This is an update to my previous post. Previously, I did a short 1 hour test disabling my internet and I had no problems with the microSD playback footage since the Cam V3 won’t automatically restart itself anymore on this new beta firmware

Now, I can update that after 12 hours of no internet access it doesn’t have any issue with microSD playback either because it still didn’t restart itself. I believe this new behaviour is now “fixed” or reverted back to firmware

Having said that, if there is an power outage or you power cycle it while there is no internet, then it will start saving in the folder record > 14 > 44.mp4 on the microSD card with the timestamp 2024-12-30 14:44:31. You can actually view this footage on the Wyze app on Dec 30 2024. This is date / timestamp is based on the this beta firmware build date (it changes every firmware build). This is nothing new and expected behaviour.

Hopefully there is no other critical bugs and it will be pushed to stable release as soon as possible.

FYI @Crease @Seapup @carverofchoice @Newshound @dave27 @K6CCC @ssummerlin


That’s great! Now if we can just get them to fix the bugs that cause some cameras to save recordings on the SD card to a different date and time when they lose internet access for a time.

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On firmware with the same 12 hour internet disconnect test, I noticed I couldn’t playback the last hour of the 12 hour footage in the Wyze app even if I knew the exact firmware build date.

I disabled my WiFi on Jan 3 2025 at 3:32am until 3:42pm (12 hours and 10 minutes). It continues to record for an additional 30 minutes and then it automatically restarts itself at 4:02am. As a result, it now starts recording on July 3 2024 2:10am and based on the timeline it is supposed to record until 1:50pm. However, I could only scroll through footage until 12:49pm. If I scroll any further, it will just jump to Jan 3 2025 footage when I enabled back my WiFi even though the timeline says otherwise. It is possible the footage is corrupted anything after 12:49pm.

I haven’t had a chance to take out the microSD to examine the files, but I am going to assume if I leave the test longer then I won’t be able to playback even more. That means it’s more accurate to say that I can only playback 11 hours and 9 minute of footage when the WiFi was disabled which kind of lines up on some of the reports I read here. This is based on firmware for Cam V3.

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Interesting. I wonder why it chose to automatically revert to that date in particular as the default.

Updated six V3’s without any real issue. One camera, closest to the router did not apply the update the first time. It took second attempt and then it went fine. So far so good, haven’t observed any problems.

Ok, was able to update 7 out of 8 V3 cams. 8th one failed and seams to need a power cycle, it is offline. I will do this when i get out to the shed where it is located.
Updated one of three battery cam pro. Had to try 3 times and then had to do a reboot and 4th attempt it worked. Will try the other 2 when have a little more time incase of similar issues.

Of the cams that updated, all seam to working fine.

Hope the update will allow events to be recorded to the SD card.

That would make subscriptions almost completely unnecessary, so no way they will do that.

I have on three V3s. All three individually will connect in the app for about 15 seconds then it will try to reconnect over and over. If I try to look at all three in group mode they work for 15 seconds then say Loading Live Stream. Sometimes it says Network is not stable but they all have full bars. None of these are very far and have been working since 2023. Anyone else with this issue on this firmware?

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Ok update to my earlier post. My 8th v3 was fine and updated to the new firmware after a power cycle. Now i have been busy and did not realize it was just my V3s doing this, but i have the exact same thing happening on all 8 of my V3s as amac has going on.
All connect and sometime between 3 to 20 seconds will try and reconnect over and over. I thought it might be a issue with my WIFI or my modem, whitch it my be, i need to restart both and see if issues are still there. Unfortunately will not be able to do this till sunday. I will post again after i resetting my entire network.
V3 firmware android version

I updated a test v3 to Using Wyze app 3.3.0 (2). It was unpowered till this morning as i was using it to check longevity of usb power banks. Powered it up after reading midnight_jeep. I am not seeing it do any reconnects, it stays up.