This latest beta Cam V3 firmware has the same issue as the previous beta firmware of and
After 30 min of internet outage (not power cycled), the recordings start saving in a randomly generated dated folder with a incorrect timestamp. As a result, you need to physically remove the micro SD card to play it back in a phone or PC. Flashing this Cam V3 beta firmware will cause to act exactly like the Cam OG cameras. In comparison, the Cam V3 stable firmware of can playback without any problem (under the same condition).
In addition to the Cam V3, it is likely this behaviour is the same Cam V3 Pro and Cam Pan V2 as well. They are probably using within the same firmware branch hence ending in “13.0416”
Hi @holocron. Did you encounter more live stream disconnect issue on this beta firmware? Do you mind submit a log and share the log number here after you find another live stream connection issue? Thank you
I experienced an inability to connect. The camera needs to connect to be able to disconnect. Since it won’t even establish a connection, I can’t get a log.
I have not been able to stream my V3 cams to Alexa since updating to this firmware, but they still work fine in the app. I think the firmware broke Alexa connectivity.
Yep. I have the same issue with my Cam V3 cameras. This beta update broke my Alexa and Google connectivity.
I can’t live stream my cameras in the Alexa app or on Amazon Echo Show devices.
For the Google Home app, I can’t connect to my cameras’ livestream via favourite list or group list which shows multiple cameras simultaneously (this used to work). I can’t connect to individual live stream cameras either, but this had never worked anyways on previous firmware.
@WyzeJasonJ will you pass this on to the devs that this beta firmware appears to break Alexa connectivity on the V3’s? I actually use this every day on my V3’s and noticed it basically right away.
This was broken for me at least a week before this new firmware came out, so I suspect the Google issue is more than just this firmware. The only camera I’ve been able to stream on Google for the last week or 2 before this beta firmware is my VDBPro.
The Google issue was not firmware related, also the Google issue should now be resolved but the user will need to resync the devices with Google to get them working again.
Ok updated all 8 of my V3 cams. Well the update went well. Now that said. All my V3 cams will not live stream on the web live view, all my other cams have no issues.
Now the other issue is all my V3 cams in the app will not zoom in. Double tapping the screen sometimes does nothing or sometimes makes the cam go black. Also same thing happens in landscape mode. Pinching to zoom in does nothing, double tapping screen makes cam go black. This issue I’m not 100% sure is the cam firmware or the beta app, as i accendtly update all without testing one then the other.
I was told that you need to resynch them with Google Home, I am not exactly sure how to do that since I think you do it on the Google Home app. If it doesn’t work I will need to take that info back to them.
@WyzeJasonJ I confirm this too. My V3 Cams with this beta firmware no longer stream on the webview, but all my other cams are working fine.
I have 1 V3 on older firmware and it is the only V3 that still streams on the web portal just fine, so the issue is obviously related to this new firmware.