All New Cam Unlimited Pro - Released 1/14/2025

My read (and this is just my outsider’s speculation) is that the intended message should be that improvements in detection performance will become available to subscribers at all levels, but I would still expect Descriptive Alerts to be a premium feature available only to Cam Unlimited Pro subscribers. I’m cool with that. If I’m wrong (and the feature is extended to others at some point), then that’s even cooler (and I’ll be happy to be wrong). :grin:



I was laughing out loud so hard at this (good thing I’m the only one home right now), but you’re totally right. Some of the stuff I can do with 3rd party stuff that Wyze allows makes this stuff feel almost magic sometimes. You’re not wrong. I’m in the middle of integrating Wyze notifications into Home Assistant in my spare time now so I can bring in ALL of the Wyze detections to be used for triggers and custom Alexa/Google announcements, etc and choose my own cooldown limits, and have an easy temporary off switch (such as when guests are over, etc. We can do so much more with our Wyze cams than people even realize.

Now, certainly it would better if Wyze made available some DIRECT integrations instead, but I’m grateful that they AT LEAST give us permission to have an API Key/ID so we can still do them for now.

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That is how I took it too…BUT considering some of the best LLM models in existence just dropped as open source since DA first launched, it’s also quite possible that Wyze might implement their own version in house and be able to provide everything insanely cheaper really soon and expand who can have access to what without as much high cost. I’m kind of partial to a “Hybrid” idea, myself…use the normal machine learning and AI analysis in concert.

Regardless, I am excited to see how things progress.


That’s a good take and probably closer to what will happen.


The days of dancing around clearly-stated-customer-complaints while we do whatever we think you might want… yeah those days are over.

More to come.



That is bold.



Have to see it to believe it :grin:


Bold Indeed. I love it.


A crumb or two?

Some of us are on the fence now, at least I am. If things are changing throw in some transparency.

It won’t affect subscriptions, I subscribe to Nabu Casa even though I don’t have to, just to support Home Assistant.


I do that too. I have all the equipment and technical capability to not pay the nabu casa subscription, but I want to support them continuing to innovate with home assistant, so I pay their subscription as a kind of support because I really believe in everything they’re doing. Home Assistant is revolutionizing everything about the smart home. This is why I keep telling Wyze to get with the program and join up so it’s seamless to benefit from both.


We are looking into more integrations.

I’ll leave it at that.


More integrations would be so amazing! 2025 should be the year of the Wyze reformation:

  • AI detection improvements
  • API improvements (more integrations and expanded features of existing ones)
  • App/existing-product improvements (including major big fixes)
  • New features from the wishlist people have been asking for forever
  • Cool new unique/innovative products (not just new minor iteration of existing models) [Wyze launch days were at one point one of my biggest highlights. I’d love that feeling again]
  • Full App Dark mode
  • RTSP (start anywhere… Even just future new pro models if not every existing previous model…anything at all would be a great improvement)
  • etc

I mean, you do a fraction of that and this will definitely be a year to celebrate big on!

Of course my number one Wyze dream would be full home assistant integration… But I’d definitely love any or all of the other stuff too.

I hope you stay around with Wyze for a really long time. Matt. I think you’ve been a huge positive.


We need a publicly voted-on list of software improvements so we can internally focus our resources on the stuff you want.


Hi @WyzeMatt, I have been reading up on this thread and your most recent replies, which seem promising to me. There is quite literally nothing I am looking forward to more than what you have stated below the comment I am replying to which is “We are looking into more integrations. I’ll leave it at that.”

Now, as a long time Wyze user, I have been around and witnessed many many decisions made and things overlooked, but since I believe in Wyze so very much and the team behind Wyze, I still am someone who is thrilled to integrate Wyze products into my home/farm setup.

Today, when I go to purchase a smart device, it is required to have a Home Assistant integration before I’ll consider it. I understand not everyone is a Home Assistant user and maybe many people in the Wyze user base have not a single clue what Home Assistant even is. With that said, as a volunteer in the Facebook and Discord communities, I see countless mentions of “can I integrate Wyze into this” and usually the answer is no, or some super wacky unreliable sketchy way. So even native support or even better API access/more API calls for more platforms (reserved for the Pro subscription) would be phenomenal.

I am VERY excited to read your comments as it makes me optimistic however I am still very reserved because I can’t count how many times where it seems like something is going to happen and then later to find out months or sometimes never that it isn’t happening because of X, Y or Z.

With all that said, I will reiterate, I am THRILLED and OPTIMISTIC based on what I am reading in this thread and it seems that maybe the time has come where we could see Wyze step up and further enhance their product line by simply allowing it to connect to external services.

Thanks for listening! :slight_smile:


…and last but not least full landscape mode.


I’m pleased to hear you think that. Wyze has 2 existing programs for this…they’ve just not done much with them lately…

One of them haven’t been active since June 2024 because Wyze downsized community managers to just Jason and he’s been doing the work of multiple people and had to make time cuts somewhere. It was called “Fix-it-Friday” You can read the first post in this thread starting where it says “Here’s how this works:”

Jason assured us he plans to bring this program back as soon as Wyze hires some help for him, but that hasn’t happened yet.

I liked the transparency and accountability that came from the community deciding what are the highest impact app and product issues that should be your priority and then we get a weekly report on your action plan and progress to resolving that bug/issue that was decided by your users is the high impact issue of the month (1 per platform, so 4 per month). You often fix other things throughout the month too, and report all the bugs to correct teams, but those 4 issues would get commitment of a weekly update on progress. I personally thought that worked well and it would meet your thoughts on “publicly voted-on” suggestions…at least for the bugs/issues.

As for new “Feature Requests” instead of bug fixes…we already have a program for that too. It’s called the “Wishlist”…please see the publicly voted on requests here:

You can filter down to feature requests listed as “In Progress” or “Maybe Later” or “Probably Not” (and exclude the “Wishes Granted” section which is already implemented) to see a list of things the community voted on, saying that we want, but haven’t been done yet. You can even view them in order of most voted on up top.

Note that the number 1 voted on request not implemented yet is Fast Forward/Rewind and other scrubbing alternatives in SD Card Playback. Number 2 is Home Assistant Integration. So if you are going based on community voted priorities, there are your number 1 and number 2 goals to hit this year.

Here’s the list of top 11 most voted on and currently not yet implemented wishes/requests by the community already:

  1. Fast Forward/Rewind (and other scrubbing alternatives) In SD Card Playback 2193 votes
  2. Home Assistant Integration 1862 votes
  3. SmartThings Integration 1802 votes
  4. App Dark Theme/Mode (Full app) 1667 votes
  5. Multiple Users’ Permissions for Shared Users 1574 votes
  6. Apple HomeKit Integration 1573 votes
  7. Direct access to SD card with download ability 1431 votes
  8. Ignore Motion Detection for events under X seconds 1253 votes
  9. Wyze DashCam 1243 votes [Note, this is the number 1 requested product that you still don’t have an option for]
  10. Network Attached Storage (NAS) 1206 votes
  11. Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

If you do even a FRACTION of that top 11 highest requested list, that would be amazing!!!

Though I have to admit that my personal #1 would be Home Assistant, but I can live with it being in second place, especially since improved scrubbing would benefit EVERYONE.

Working on some of that top 11 stuff would really prove you’re actually listening to users

(but please don’t ignore some of the requests with fewer votes…some of the newer requests are really important but are newer requests so they have fewer votes only because they’re newer…or there are some that don’t apply to everybody like say something for iOS that is important to those users, but they get half as many votes because Android users don’t vote for it…or things for a specific product that are super important but people who don’t have that one product don’t vote on it, so there are also a lot of things that aren’t in the top 11 that are still critically important to be addressed and worked on too…it’s just that the above top 11 are the highest overall demand that will affect the greatest number of YOUR users and coted on by people who are actively influential in recommending your products) Even your support staff often refer people contacting them to go vote on the official forum wishlist. So…one good way to listen to your users is to actively focus on the wishlist of what users are actually asking for. That would be wonderful if the wishlist was a higher priority so there was less of this like you said:

We’ll see how serious Wyze is about that. You can see the top requests at any time about what we actually want vs what you “think” we might want. It’s been there all this time. :wink: I only listed the top 11 requests here for your convenience.


This happened last year:

I never saw any follow-up when I asked about it months later, though.

:point_up: This :100:%.


Someone else commented on both of those recently:

My personal priority preferences from the list would be #5, #4, #7, and #1, in that order. If Wyze did #2 (not :poo:! :grin:), then I’d be even more interested in exploring Home Assistant. I’d also really like to see Customizable notifications (Incl: Android Notification Channels) and Android App Shortcuts and iOS Quick Actions done.

Yeah, and Individual Camera, Sense, Doorbell, AI detection type, etc. Alert Notification Sound and/or Color is kind of like that, because Android users can do it with 3rd-party work-arounds, but iOS users are out of luck. That’s another one that’d be cool to see get some attention.

Now I want to know more about @Earl.Automation’s Dateline moments.


Let me cook.

I’ll be back soon.

The TLDR is if we don’t start listening to you, what are we even doing here?

We know it. You know it.

We have to start building back brand trust and we have to do right now.


Medium Well please.

And as per usual… All of this

The Carver can Carve… I’ma watch you cook.


Procrastinate comes to mind! Just kidding, looking forward to what you come up with. Who knows you might even persuade me to re subscribe!