Wyze Cam v3 Firmware Release Candidate Test 10/5/2022

Thanks. Since this is the new Pinned Beta thread, I’m just going to link back to the original issue discovered to make sure it’s still on the list of things needing fixed that are still present in this firmware:

OP Reported here with a good video showing the problem:

More description below that post with people confirming and narrowing down the extent of the bug.
Basically, Playback on the SD card skips the first minute of each hour (besides midnight). The first minute can only be seen if a person scrolls to a point that is actually within that minute. If you start playback even a second before that minute, it will skip over the entire minute segment.

I know WyzeDesmond has already confirmed that he is aware and looking into it, and he’s always proven reliable, so I don’t see a need to specifically tag him yet since it’s only been 3 days since he confirmed this, and I am guessing this firmware was already ready to be pushed to beta without enough time to resolve the issue we reported yet.