Searching around for this problem and ended up here. Noticed this issue of the cooldown resetting to 1 minutes 2 weeks ago and thought I was goint nuts. Turns out I’m in good company. I have 2 outdoor cams and never reboot them or the base station. Using Cam Unlimited.
I’m having this issue too. Even before upgrading to the beta 3.0 app, my WCO V1s would either go offline, or appear as though they’re still online, but just never load the live view…with full or 3/4 bars signal strength to the base unit.
My base is directly connected via ethernet cable, so signal should be consistently strong. I have a powerful mesh system, so wi-fi should not be the problem.
Frustratingly, I’m now reduced to the ritual of rebooting the base once or twice a day, then resetting the cool down from 1 minute to No Cooldown…on 3 cams.
And even though it says “No Cooldown,” the cams will not record 2 events if they are separated by less than 1 minute…so the setting is moot.
I agree…I have all of my cameras set up for 5 minute max recording and they will just cut out with people moving in the recording at way less than 5 minutes…essentially rendering the cameras useless if I needed to watch the recording for any given reason.
IMO, Wyze is not at all reliable for anything other than turning on a live feed.
If you are using your WCO for anything important and need longer videos I suggest you put a good 32GB SD in the camera and set it for both cloud recording and scheduled event recording to the SD card in the cam. Set the schedule for 30 days, MOTION only, no cooldown period, max. Length of each video up to 5 min each. The camera will record to the SD anytime it detects motion and will keep recording up to the max time (5 Min.) then it will start another file if motion continues. It will also record to the SD even if you turn off Detects Motion (Cloud recording)
I just use my WCO for watching critters now.
I would do this if it weren’t for the fact that, after the scheduled recording has recorded some events, I look in the album and must click on each one that I want to view. This results in that video being downloaded to my phone in the Photos app. Then I have a bunch of videos in my Photos app that I don’t want to keep, so I have to go there and delete them. This is just more work than I want to do.
No Pain no Gain. It isn’t going to get fixed.
Same issue y’all have described. Cooldown being reset, Duration being reset. IR being reset to off from auto. Frequently needing to power cycle the station and cams. So frustrating. The next time Costco has a good sale on nest cams I’m dumping wyze. You know what’s better than being cheap? Actually working.
Only my cooldown is reset. Duration and IR settings are unaffected. I’m now power cycling only the base station daily (pain in the @$$) and then resetting the cooldown from 1 min to no cooldown. Every. Time.
Even though it’s set back to no cooldown, my WCO V1s have not recorded two events in a row within 1 minute of each other since the base station firmware update that caused this issue (last November, I think).
It’s pretty clear to me that the min cooldown is still 1 minute, regardless of the setting.
True, it has been tested hundreds off times by many WCO users over the last 8 months, (Since 6 November 2023) Changing the setting makes no difference.
Jason said they finally replicated this:
Personally, I don’t understand how previous responses said they hadn’t replicated it. I haven’t heard of anyone yet who was able to not have a cooldown on the latest firmware. But either way, this is a new response that they confirmed/replicated it, so hopefully we’ll finally get it resolved now.
Yeah, sometimes fixes are slow. I wonder if it is an app bug or firmware bug.
I would say firmware. the base firmware was on 6 Nov. 2022 and everything went to after that.
That’s what I was wondering. So, we’re looking for a Beta firmware to launch then.
Latest statement from the FiF reports:
I’ve worked in both hardware and software development, and I’ve never seen such a blatant bug that most likely affects every single device of this model, a popular model like this one. It’s been a long time without a fix, which leads me to believe it’s either being ignored or dropped.
You must have reproduced the issue by now. If you haven’t, I can provide one of my cameras for you to use to figure it out. I’m sure every single one of these cameras has this problem. And unfortunately, most people have never noticed that change and they probably never changed it to start with.
The difference between a one-minute cooldown and a zero-minute cooldown may not seem like much, but it’s pretty significant in an emergency or for those of us who intentionally run it that way.
So, what’s the real hold-up? Do you need devices? I can send you one of mine, and you can return it when you’re done. We can discuss this further, even do a Zoom meeting if necessary. I really need to get my cameras back to zero; it’s important, and I don’t think anyone at Wyze has even addressed this problem.
I’m offering whatever I can to help.
At what point is being the inexpensive choice not good enough anymore?
Right here. This is where the rubber hits the road if you’re not gonna stand behind what you sell (This isn’t my first trip down this road” I’m not gonna buy or recommend Wyze (I work in pro sales at Home Depot) to anyone any longer.
Would you recommend a company that doesn’t stand behind what it sells?
Question: Where exactly are you in the process of fixing this bug?
Instead of saying there’s nothing available for you to tell us, please provide some transparency in the process of fixing the problem, and be specific.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance.
June 21st 2024 and yet the issue still remains. What a pathetic group of devs Wyze has, totally inept.
I personally find it hysterical that after so many months now, the fix still hasn’t been fixed. I’m so glad I ditched my Wyze Cam Outdoor V2 and went with the RELIABLE ring stick up cam outdoor/indoor… and they’re on sale just as frequently as the Wyze cams. I suggest everyone to just jump ship right now from Wyze and all their products.
It is disgusting that this “1 minute cooldown” fix still hasn’t been fixed… has anyone made a complaint to better business bureau or something?
totally agree…well said.