Wyze Cam Outdoor V1 with Cam Plus - Cooldown period resets itself every day

Will this help?
We recently had an intruder on out property and he triggered a recording event where he stepped into view and out. That triggered a cooldown and any chance of seeing him again was lost.
Wyze is that an acceptable event? When bad things are happening 1 minute means everything.
Any chance of catching him on cam was lost because of your stupid bug but you could easily do what you’re too busy fixing new things to do a simple fix on this.

Now I’m just [Mod Edit] pissed cause you guys are lazy and my video was worthless.

I’m forwarding it to a news channel / troubleshooter who will be vocal about it.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

To late now but you should put an SD card in the WCO and set up scheduled event recording to the card. Set if for 30 days, 23 hours, MOTION ONLY, no cooldown period, max. duration of each video up to 5 min. The camera will record as long as motion continues and any time motion is detected. Will record even if you turn off detects motion on event recording. You can do both cloud recording and record to the SD at the same time.


That would be frustrating.

How close was he? Hopefully you still passed that on to law enforcement to help them collect something on the guy who may be walking around the neighborhood, assuming you didn’t know him (ie: the majority burglars are somehow acquainted with someone in the home or live nearby). Antonius’ suggestion is a good workaround that many people are using for now. It ensures that nothing gets missed during cooldowns while we wait for Wyze to fix the cooldown issue.

RIDICULOUS that this has gone on so long without resolution. I have three outdoor cams which reset the cooldown to one minute every day. If your newer cams don’t do this, send me one to swap so you can see it for yourselves.
Wyze: if you can’t figure out why this variable resets itself in the camera, then set the firmware to record the variable in the cloud controller and have a cron job reset it to the desired setting once a day. That would be 99% fixed.
I just missed an important recording last night that got me to check in with this thread and find out why this hasn’t been fixed.
I have 17 Wyze cams and cam plus unlimited, but I have lost faith that you’re in it for the long haul. I no longer will recommend nor buy any more but will put that energy into finding a new security cam vendor.

If you are using the WCO for anything important just put an SD card in it and set it for scheduled event recording for 30 days at a time. Don’t waste your time resetting it to no cooldown, it doesn’t do anything at all, been that way since November 6, 2023.


An SD card in a WCO may work but if is located near the street it is susceptible to theft, yea I know so is the camera. Well if someone knew they were being recorded and stole the WCO the footage should be remote not on the device!

If Wyze is unable to fix the “no cool down” option how about updating the code on the required Hub to do the same, making the SD card secure.

An SD card should only be used in a WCO if in travel mode, IMHO!

I use these for perimeter security and if Wyze cannot address, it may be time for another solution!

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I’ve mentioned this before somewhere in this growing thread, but (for me) using scheduled recordings to the SD card is an UNACCEPTABLE workaround because these recordings, once viewed (once I click on the thumbnail in the album) are downloaded to my phone (photos app) and take up precious storage space.

What’s worse, the “Play” button that is superimposed over the thumbnail of each recording makes it impossible to tell which thumbnail(s) I’m willing to click on to download and then view. Yes, I know I can just delete the unwanted videos after viewing them to reclaim the storage space, but why does it have to be this hard? I don’t get it.

I firmly believe Wyze could fix this quickly, except that it is likely low on the priority list, given all the new projects we see them working on.

With regard to resetting the 1-min cool down…I still do it after every base station reset because I know that if/when they do fix it, I will be back to no cool down.

Aaaarrrrggghhh! :grimacing::expressionless:

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Day 290, still no fix.

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