Wyze Cam Outdoor V1 with Cam Plus - Cooldown period resets itself every day

Exactly my question too. Like I wish it was mentioned/highlighted in the “fix it Friday” posts. Also lately, my WCO have 2 to 3 bars of signal strength and yet 2 out of the WCO cameras goes offline. My solution is to reboot the base station and have it plugged into a smart plug.

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Any resolution yet? I am still having this 1 minute cool down issue on my cameras? Random default? I change it constantly… Actually interfered with much needed video when a delivery driver hit my mail box. :pensive:

That is the reason I have 32GB SD cards in the cameras set for Scheduled Event recording. As long as motion continues the cam will record up to the duration that is set up to 5 min. per each event video . You can even turn off detects motion in the settings which will stop cloud event recording and the cam will still record to the SD. Mine are set for both cloud recording on cam plus and recording motion only to the SD cards.

Thx for this idea. Can I ask… how often do you need to change the card? I feel like I have a lot of recordings each day? I appreciate the help.

The camera will overwrite the oldest videos automatically, there is no action necessary on your part

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32 GB is a great deal of event videos, since most events are in the KB range but the longer ones like 2 Minutes may be 10 MB. I have cams set for a period of 30 days, no cooldown, MOTION Events only with a max duration for each video set at 2 minutes. I have never used a larger card in the exFAT format in the WCO v1 but I have used a 64GB card that I formatted in FAT32. I think the Version 2 WCO will use larger exFAT cards?
View videos: You can take the card out to view all or you can open the cam to live view > tap more > Album> scroll down until you see scheduled recording and tap that. If you tap the download icon it will load so you can play it but it is also saved on your device photo/video album.

Directions for scheduled recording.

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@WyzeJasonJ Hey Jason. I submitted logs 1402840,1,2 hopefully to help with this ongoing issue. Listed you as ‘Agent’ (sorry).

I personally believe they threw the WCO users (Me included) out with the bath water. It has been more than 6 months. :anguished: :anguished:

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Following this too!

This has been going on for months, why has is not been resolved???

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@WyzeJasonJ Can we get an update? Why is this taking so long to address it’s a major issue. So far in other threads the only solution I’ve seen is folks just dumping Wyze for other brands.

Seven months later this is still an issue, why???

I have a daily phone reminder to reset outdoor Wyze Cams because of this issue. We are paying extra for CAM Plus to enable these cameras with a NO TIMEOUT and without they are useless for security cameras.


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If I didn’t already have Cam unlimited for my 12 cameras and was paying a monthly or annual fee just for my four WCO version one cams I would of cancelled months ago.

It’s June. Last update on this issue was February and there’s zero reason why there is not a solution ?
I see a problem where company’s like Ring release very few new products but have rock solid systems and then you have Wyze that’s constantly releasing new products and leaving products just a couple years old behind in its path. Just like this.

I think it’s time to change all of my Wyze camera’s. No support for most products.
This problem should have have been resolved months ago. It’s been a full year since it’s been reported.

very frustrating. this issue has been happening to me for a year. ridiculous.

Is Wyze working this issue or ignoring it???

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I suspect the issue is on their “fix” list, but not near their top priority (despite our long-time complaints).

Here’s why I think this is the case:

  1. The outdoor cams (V1 and V2) have a new succesor (Battery Cam Pro).

  2. The V4 was just released. Probably plenty of support for that.

  3. A new beta app is out. I’m running it. It has a ways to go, but I like it so far. There is a lot of attention to getting the new interface running smoothly.

I suspect we won’t be seeing a fix for awhile, if at all. :confused:

Bingo, you win a free :cat: They have said the can’t replicate it. :astonished: