Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

I’m guessing you add the new camera to a group, just like before?

Remove as favorite?

I don’t put cams in favorites yet.

Bummer. That solved my issue. Maybe post a screenshot?

Yes. When I started 3.0, it carried over the device list from previous version. Then I moved cams into groups but those cams continue to be standalone. Previously standalone cams will show up inside group after being moved there ,

btw I installed 3.0 using apk from apkmirror since 3,0 hasn’t shown up in playstore yet.

I just tested this and it works as before. Just go through the “Devices” tab.

It didn’t work for me. I had tried clear data and cache and login again, the same.

3.0 is not 2.50. Devices is your maintenance area and will always show all of your devices and all of your groups. Devices was designed this way to allow a device to be added to multiple groups (see post #26, future feature) among other wishlist requests. You’re attempting to drive the 3.0 app a la 2.50 style. If you want a tailored view to your preference, build Favorites from Devices and drive from Favorites.


Thanks . I notice this when I scroll down the device list, seeing all cams being standalone. 3.0 looks good to me so far except missing device thumbnails. I have to recognize cams by names only in 3.0.


This is such a boss response. I’d give more :heart: if I could.

These guys are a bunch idiots getting rid of the toggle and just everything else these guys do is why ill be getting rid of them soon. Takes me forever now to turn stuff on and off!

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Google Play Store finally offered me the 3.0 app update today, so I put it on one device, and there are definitely things I like so far, and there is also plenty of room for improvement.

In my current Wyze environment, I have eight total cameras, including a Video Doorbell v2. In my v2.5x app, I have the Home screen arranged to show the Doorbell at the top of the list, and it’s immediately followed by four camera groups, some with only a single camera in them. When I launched the v3.0 app for the first time, after reading through the brief initial tutorial, the new Home screen appeared with only five things on the new Favorites tab: The Doorbell live stream is front and center with the four camera groups in 2 × 2 tiles beneath. This was a pleasant surprise and seemed intuitive. I didn’t expect this to happen automagically and it’s probably better than what I would’ve configured for myself within a few minutes of playing with the new app. It’s a really nice view, and I have no reason to change it at this time. Well done!

I’ve read somewhere on the Forum[1] about people putting their cameras into groups in order to avoid the massive live stream loading lag issue with the new Home screen and Favorites tab. Since my cameras (save one) were already in groups, I’m not experiencing this issue, and I definitely understand the argument for putting cameras into groups.

The press-and-drag feature for re-ordering on the Favorites and Devices tabs works as expected, but this really should be extended to Automations, as others have mentioned elsewhere. I have no idea if this is part of the roadmap, but it’s a sorely needed feature.

One thing I like about the new Automations tab is in the Schedules section. I currently have only three items here, but two of them show a “Coming up in [number] days” message with a greenish-colored accent (I’m using System Default Theme on an Android 10 device with Dark theme enabled in the phone’s system settings—so “dark mode”, such as it is, for the Wyze app) and the other one shows a grey “Disabled” message. I really like that use of color.

I mention that because the Devices tab is showing some use of color in a similar fashion, but this could be extended and improved. I have some Plug Outdoors that I’m not currently using, so they’re not plugged in anywhere, and the Devices tab shows these with an “Offline” message in red. Where other Device statuses show as “Off” or “On” (Bulbs and Plugs, for instance), I think contrasting visual color cues would be helpful.

I understand the discussion about how Favorites is now supposed to be the interface for daily use and that Devices is the places for configuration when necessary, but a lot of users have expressed a desire to do most of their interacting with the Devices tab, and I think that’s a perfectly valid viewpoint, because that’s where the devices are. Making this area a little more user friendly with some color splashes could help a user more easily assess the status of his or her Wyze environment.

Overall I’m liking it so far, but I’m cautiously sticking with the update on only a single device until I have more experience with it. My other devices will continue to run v2.5x for the time being.

  1. There are too many 3.0 app topics for me to track thanks to some very zealous (often very new) community members! ↩︎


Do you happen to have any cameras which are slow to connect to begin with, like the floodlight pro and the V3 pro? Because when cameras connect at the same time, these are the most affected and sometimes the connection fails.

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I do not. My mix includes Cam OG, Video Doorbell v2, Cam Pan v3, and Cam v4.

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Refreshingly temperate, young man, well done!

I venture to say that you were calm when you wrote it. Because I feel calm, having read it. :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: @Crease has never (that I’ve seen) been intemperate on the boards. I meant temperate in the context of the overall tone set here in post-app Wyztopia.

And referring to him as ‘young man’ was appropriate because he is younger, not because I am wiser.

Though I am wiser, but still, that was not my intent to imply.

Someday, he, too, may be as wise as I, but then I shall be dead.

A much less lively :frog:

But happy. :headstone:


As the saying goes, all frogs go to Heaven :rofl:


Is there anything left that isn’t a thing?? Sheesh. :angel:

13 (so far) edits! Impressive!

When do you hit your limit?

Thank ya!

I didn’t intend for it to have any sort of anxiolytic or zen[1] effect, but it’s nice to know. I try to be reasonable and even-handed. We have enough hyperbole here, so I don’t feel a need to pile on.

  1. A to Z! ↩︎

I’m sorry if I offended you in any way, wasn’t my intention!


O no no no no no! I just looked it up quick to see if it was a thing and it was and I was surprised because what isn’t a thing now what’s left.

I’m pretty hard to offend. Well ‘omission’ is a bit of a hot button, but other than that. :slight_smile:

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