Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

We are releasing Wyze app 3.0 today, with a new Home tab, Favorites tab, and Automations. This will be a gradual release over the next few weeks, so if you do not see it now don’t worry.

Read our Release Notes:


Great, gradual release, there goes my ‘shrimp boats’ and ‘ice sculptures.’ You could let a guy know??


I just hope it is not half baked as usual. :thinking:


Waiting for it to appear in the App Store. :slight_smile:


Not seeing it yet here on Android.


I’m guessing Wyze just submitted these to the app stores, so it’s possible the first Google play releases might not even show up for at least 7 more days if we have to wait for a Google employee to go through the while app to make sure their extortion requirements…I mean subscription royalties integration terms… Are all correctly in order with no loopholes with the new app version. Sometimes they’re slow getting to them.

Will keep an eye out though!

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Still not available on AppStore either, fear not my Android brethren :rofl:


I also hope ( I know it is a pipe dream) that they have implemented a full landscape interface for tablets :pray: :crossed_fingers:


Available now on the AppStore.

Edit: I like it👍


Have at it, I’ll check the forums for the next 2-3 weeks and see what kind of havoc the new app brings with it. :upside_down_face:


!st thing that needs to be added. Allow a setting to choose a default Tab.
Also, Stop automatically streaming the favorites tab.

MIA - Cached Picture of each Camera

Streaming isn’t as smooth as it was on the previous APP. I get skipping seconds.


Can I just throw it out there. New 3.0 app and you guys still didn’t give us 100% dark mode.

I can check my live feed, my events and then BAM!!!
All other tabs are still blinding :sunglasses::laughing:


Oh no. :sunglasses:

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Or, along with allowing us to startup the app in the tab of our choice, also allow the favourites tab to have the option of live streaming or cached image on load.

In the previous version of the app, that was a nice ‘feature’ seeing the cached image. but we don’t seem to have that in the device list anymore.

I tested the beta for a bit but was not impressed with the loading times of the live view with only two cameras selected as favourites. Initially with trying this ‘final’ release, the loading does feel a tiny bit faster for two cameras…but if I add anymore, I’m sure it will slow to a crawl.


UGH…ok, so this all new favorites tab is already a pain.

WHY is it linked to my account and the same on all devices??

What if I want one device to have one camera always show, and another device to have 3 cameras show?

Currently, when I change my Favorites tab on one device, it’s automatically updated on all devices … this is not something I desire at all!


I hope they make an update to the app real soon to allow a cached image, instead of all my 8 cameras displaying a livestream at the same time. I hate the livestream. I only want to see livestream once I select a camera.


Yeah, it works that way for battery cameras right now, if a person turns on the “Power Saving Mode” toggle in the settings, but it would be nice to be able to choose that for all the wired cameras too. There are a lot of cameras I don’t want to load a live stream for automatically.


I beta tested app 3.0 and didn’t like it at all because of the automatic streaming on the favorites
As I stated before, the streaming is jittery and skips seconds on this new app. It doesn’t on the previous version.


Another Questionable item on App 3.0
Why do my devices that are in Groups also shown as individuals in the list? The idea around groups was to reduce the number of items in the device list.
Inquiring minds would like to know.