Wyze app 3.0 & Cam v4 Firmware Beta Test 6/3/2024

@WyzeSzhang does the new App 3.0 with the LLM search stuff implement new censoring in the AI?

This user indicated the AI censored them and is concerned this could add a potential vulnerability as far as security goes:

Do you know if this is the case with the new app?

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warming up ai prompts for nekkidness in my house


So far, “Junk in Trunk”, “Bazongas”, and “Badonkadonk” don’t return anything. I will keep you posted.


I may be in the minority but I’m liking the v3 app and the direction it’s going. I also agree with probably all of the suggested changes that more detailed oriented folks, like @carverofchoice and others, have suggested.

My only really big disappointment is that I was hoping that with this major app update that the Dark Theme would finally apply to ALL the app displays based on the choice in the App Settings. It’s been years (4+ ?) of waiting so I thought that perhaps v3 might have made this easier for the developers to incorporate. Sadly this does not seem to be the case as it’s be 6+ months since any more displays were updated to reflect the Dark Theme. I do appreciate the displays that have been “darkend” but me and my eyes will continue to hope for more dark things. :new_moon: :dark_sunglasses:

Regardless, thanks for your hard work and looking forward to v3 beta 2!

Oh, I also wanted to add that I’m appreciating all of the engagement from the Wyze team on this thread. It’s much more motivating to submit trouble tickets and logs knowing that they are actively looking at it. I had 2 tickets opened for the friendly faces not opening on the main screen and another for an ad for Cam Plus when selecting Person filtering on the events display despite having Cam Plus Unlimited. Both issues were fixed by the next day. Cool beans.


Anybody using Sprinklers with the Wyze 3.0.0(7) IOS beta app?
Appears the daily weather forecast ribbon has disappeared on the home page.
I have Sprinkler Plus.

I just confirmed it still shows up for Android, so this might be an iOS-specific issue. Would be great to have someone else on iOS confirm this issue.

I have been contemplating on a potential feature for the app but I am torn. I have decided a poll might be a good option to see if this would be useful/wanted.

Idea: Tapping the Home tab should bring you to the favorites page

I have noticed a few times that, when leaving the home tab from the devices or automation and then returning to the home tab I expect to see my favorites page. I instead see whatever page I left the tab from. This adds an additional step to seeing cameras which is my primary “problem.”

I understand why this is might be useful and implemented the way it is, but was curious to see if anyone else is wanting this to be implemented. So vote away!

Always return to Favorites Page when tapping on the Home Tab
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I’d rather see this as a user choice in app settings.


That would probably be ideal!


Yes, provide it as an option. Best of both worlds… Let me have my pie and eat it too! :grin::pie:


Just installed iOS 18 beta on both my iPhone and iPad. Using the beta software with wyze app and the playback on all my devices freeze and will not playback using my cam unlimited subscription. It does playback from the sad cards. Playback does work on my android devices.

The 5-day forecast ribbon is now displaying on the Sprinkler home page on IOS Wyze App beta 3.0.0(7).


How are you doing this? I’ve only been able to proceed to the next event when I have zoomed back out. I want to know your tricks!


I know this posting is kind of coming to a end till the new version comes out as I think everything that can be said, has been said.

But I was following another post and not sure if it was talked about yet or if I’m just missing something, but I think on this version it allows the Wyze v4 to do Picture in Picture.

I reinstalled the older version and I didn’t see the option, but in this version it’s there.

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Some people have reported seeing it on and off. IT’s not showing for me in this version, but some people have had it then had it disappear and others still see it. One guy has it on his tablets but not his phones. Seems inconsistent like they are A/B testing it right now.

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I hope somebody at Wyze has noted the reporting bug which is still present in Automation History IOS Wyze beta App 3.0.0(7) for Home Monitoring schedule. The actual arming dis arming works, but the reporting shows failure.

Next Beta IOS App release will hopefully have the reporting fixed.


Same here and reported it as well.


Thanks for the report! We found the root cause of this issue and our engineering team is on it!


Sorry, my bad. After you asked I went back and checked. I do have to zoom back out in order to advance to next/previous event–but now that’s just a simple double-tap to zoom out and then swipe. Still way better than before. :+1:t4:

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BTW, you CAN go to the next or previous event while being zoomed in but you have to be at the outer extents of the right or left of the video clip. This worked in both the older 2.5 app version and the new v3 beta.

So if you were zoomed into the left hand side of the video clip you could do a swipe from left to right and that would take you to the next event (unless you are viewing the first/latest event in the list). Conversely if you are zoomed into the right hand side of the video clip you could do a swipe from right to left and that would take you to the previous (older) event. If you are not at either the left or right hand side of the video clip you can pan with your finger/thumb over to the side of the screen and then do the swipe as stated above.

Hopefully I explained it in a way that make sense. It makes sense when I read it but that isn’t saying much… :slight_smile:

PS. I also think the double tap to zoom in and out was there before also…