What’s New:
- Fixed a bug that incorrectly reported the maximum AQI
[Mod Edit]: Removed embedded space from version number to enhance search clarity.
What’s New:
[Mod Edit]: Removed embedded space from version number to enhance search clarity.
Currently updating. Will teport back when done
One AP done, took longer than expected. so be patient. It does complete.
Doing the second one now.
Installing on the second one, Received the OOPS Something Went Wrong. Selected Try again and it worked
This is exciting! I will install it on 3 of mine and report back. Obviously takes a few hours to test it out.
Just a short follow-up. I told all 3 to update from the Account tab - Firmware update page. All 3 failed to update there.
I then told them to update through the home page - open device - click update, etc until it starts updating. 2 updated successfully the first time through this method. 1 failed to update and required trying again, though I am not sure which one it was. I told to it retry and it updated successfully on a re-try.
Probably won’t get to test much with the AQI changing stuff since it’s close to midnight, but I will check tomorrow.
After testing this all day in a few different ways, I am going to preliminarily call this firmware update a big success! Here are 3 examples:
The one above is near my kitchen, and you can clearly see fluctuations throughout the day. I did not in any way try to influence the AQI on this one. It’s all natural. You can definitely tell when my wife made dinner and cookies today with the slight bumps in AQI, and slight variations throughout the day. This is exactly how I expected it should look!
This one purposely blew a bunch of air freshener near the AP to purposely make the AQI shoot up high to ensure it was correctly capturing the data. As you can see above, it updated as expected. It also had slight variations throughout the rest of the day. Very happy with the results here.
I basically left the above AP in sleep mode all day long. It’s fairly isolated and the AQI usually stays pretty low with rare fluctuation. Even then, you can see there was a small change around 8am just after she left to daycare. So even when it’s stuck on the low sleepmode setting, it still updated the AQI even though the fan speed and mode shouldn’t have changed.
All in all, Wyze should mention in the next fix-it-Friday that this fix with firmware and app is in public beta testing. In my opinion it is so far a BIG SUCCESS!!! My tests on all 3 air purifiers were wildly successful. Please thank the devs for their hard work over the last few months to figure this out with a great implementation. Looks good to me.
Looking good here too!
Excited to see this in production… thank you beta testers for the time and for posting updates here in the forums. Good stuff.
@carverofchoice I submitted logs after no data populated the Indoor AQI History Graph - per your suggestion. Please let me know if I should contact Wyze Support as well.
Log ID: 876007
This is perfect. Thanks! I passed this on to Wyze along with your other description in the other thread listing your firmware and App version in case it is needed to help them:
This will be very helpful. Appreciate you taking the time post all of that and submit a log.
We want it to work well for EVERYONE!
Could you go into the Wyze Air Purifier settings page and please verify that you are on, the page that you gave the screenshot of says what the current beta is but does not guarantee that you have updated it.
Air Purifier > Settings (gear in upper right) > Device Info
I will get that sent up to the team.
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