@WyzeJasonJ another log 1542775 and continues to go offline. This thread is from 2022. How is this yet to be resolved?
Like most people here I’m getting frustrated. Will the team ever have a solution, if not how do we go about getting a refund? I will gladly return the thermostat that goes offline constantly.
This is NOT a solution, but I have 4 of these and they are all doing the same as everyone else. They go offline for no apparent reason. I have stong wifi at each one. I also have 10 cameras at the location and 2 plugs. The thermostats are the only thing that shows offline in the Wyze beta app, which is updated, and allnof the devices are updated. They, like others have said, show online in my routers wifi. I had been restarting like everyone else by remoing the thermostat, or turning the breaker off and back on. I decided to purchase a 24 Volt Transformer, C Wire Adapter for Nest Honeywell Ecobee and Sensi Thermostat, Doorbell Transformer Compatible with Wyze Video Doorbell https://a.co/d/2sOdWQV
on Amazon and hook them up this way.
They not only seem to stay online longer, I can also plug them into a Wyze plug or other brand smart plug (that never loses connection) and restart the plug from the app.
And this works flawlessly every single time.
Again, this is NOT a solution. But this is what I have decided to do instead of continuously fighting with these things. I hope this helps someone…
Stayed online for a few weeks until today. Funny that I think my panv3 is fixed with the latest update (been online consistently for 3 days now) but thermostat goes offline
Welp, I’m joining the club. Mine has been solid for about a year. Suddenly this week, it’s gone offline several times. Only a power reset to the thermostat brings it back online. No other wifi issues in my house, no changes. Strong signal, and wifi system seems thermostat connected when it’s offline.
My tstats always lose connection when power goes out. Even if it is for 2 seconds.
Update: They reconnected after 2 hours. But, now I need to change my preferences cause app/device resets to ‘away’ even tho I work from home and change prefs to keeps home/away the same settings.
My Thermostat was pretty solid the last 2-3 years. In the last couple of months, it has connectivity issues half the time I want to remotely change the temperature. The only way to “fix” this is to hard boot the device. Then it will work for a couple of weeks before having the issue again. running firmware 1.2.8
I know they sort of suspended Fix-it-Friday for a few months, but Jason said they’re going to revive it this Winter, so we should get updates about this issue within the next couple of months again at least since this issue was already approved for it.
If speadie’s theory is correct about it being related to cold weather, I suspect we’ll see increased reports of this again now that summer is over.
This is already been a topic of fix it Friday. It absolutely has nothing to do with cold weather because it won’t stay online for days when it’s 110° won’t stay online any amount of time when it’s 95° here in Texas you guys have no clue how to fix this so just give us our money back already.
To clarify (since you were responding to me), I don’t work for Wyze. I’m a customer like you.
Yes, I was the one who submitted it and got it added to Fix-it-Friday for everyone (so I am obviously very much in favor of fixing this issue since I did everything I could to get it on there), and I was explaining why we haven’t been getting the weekly reports about this because as I understand it, the resources that were working on Fix-it-Friday stuff were directed to things like fixing the critical App issues. When Fix-it-Friday resumes, we should get back to having weekly updates on what’s going on. I mentioned this because the previous poster asked if anything was being done with the logs, and I was explaining why we haven’t been getting the weekly reports lately.
Quite possible. As I said, some other people noticed a pattern that this seemed to happen to them more often when it was cold. It could be a coincidence or tangentially related in some other way. I am in no way claiming this is the cause, simply that it was something some others noticed for their system Maybe it’s extremes in either direction or when it’s been running something for a certain length of time or who knows what. I don’t have access to the logs, just what multiple people have reported.
If that is the solution you are looking for, you will have to go through a Customer Support ticket. It almost certainly won’t be addressed on here. If you have any luck with that, some others would appreciate hearing back if they compromised about this at all.
I’ll add my comment to the previous one that it has absolutely nothing to do with temperature. Mine go offline when it’s hot, when it’s cold and when it is mild.
It seems to be a random event apparently caused when there’s a hiccup of some sort in the network connection between the thermostat and the cloud. The thermostat apparently gives up trying (or doesn’t even try) to reestablish the connection. So it just sits there offline. That’s what my money is on.
@carverofchoice, thanks for all you do in moderating this rough and tumble bunch.
I think you’re right. They have had that exact same issue with the HMS HUB and the Air Purifier, so it would make total sense if it’s the same thing.
If Temperature is involved with a particular person’s situation then it might have something to do with their environment affecting connection (maybe on their cable or fiber line, or the modem or router or whatever), and if there is any hiccup for any reason, then perhaps the TStat struggles to re-establish connection again like it should. That would be Wyze’s fault for their device refusing to reconnect without a physical restart, and it is a problem they had with other devices, so I think you are probably right.
Also, thanks. Though technically I’m not a moderator, just a “Maven”…which is still a volunteer, but I don’t do anything about enforcing guidelines or keeping the forum organized, etc…though I do pass on a bunch of stuff to Wyze and help where I can in several other ways.
Having this issue myself started about a month ago after working for months with no issue. I have an eero mesh network and the Tstat is set to a static IP reservation. Every 7 days or so it goes offline I have to rip the thing off the wall then it instantly connects again. Could wyze do something about this, the tstat needs to be more agressive with a reconnect if it goes offline.