Still cannot connect to my cameras when not on my home WIFI

Google Play has always been slower than Apple Store in posting apps. Wyze has no control over this.

Hi All

It’s been a bit since I’ve posted an update.
Still working in LA and all WYZE cameras at home are working perfectly on Cellular Data since obtaining my free XB8 Upgrade from Xfinity.

Thanks for posting in hopes it would help some still suffering.
I believe your list is as comprehensive and accurate as possible at this point.

This thread has been a good forum to obtain real-time information not available anywhere else.
No one here is paid or compensated for their efforts.

Every situation has its own conditions inhibiting functionality, thus requiring a variety of work arounds.

Obviously, for Xfinity customers, the XB8 is thus far the only Plug & Play solution.
This requires navigating your way through at least 3 tiers of Xfinity technical service.
Ultimately, they will continue to turn you down without a plan upgrade because they are in another Country and sales based.

When you have reached the 3rd tier and they turn you down state very clearly that you need to speak to the Retention department.
When they give you a runaround, explain to them if they do not transfer you, you are going to cancel your service and switch to another provider.

They will transfer you to retention where you will describe the reason for your requirement of a free XP8 upgrade, or finally authorize it themselves…
It will be shipped or picked up at your local Xfinity store if you have one.

WYZE Is doing everything I can to work with Xfinity to resolve this issue.
Until it becomes a problem in Xfinity‘s wallet, they don’t care as they don’t manufacture the gateway that brings Billions of dollars in revenue to them just like it is….

Not being sure how Xfinity interacts with development partners, the real fix is WYZE becoming a development partner of the manufacturer of the XB8.

As we continue to move forward towards a solution, please realize that everyone here is simply trying to help not spread false information.

For those of us who have been able to resolve the issue, we owe it to those who have taken the time to share their efforts and findings.

Hopefully a solution will be found soon….


Well on my end, There was nothing mention about a gradual release. It said new app coming tomorrow, July 25. On july 25 No App to be found. Then on the front of their website page clear as day, a link that says download now 3.0.
You click on that and no new app to be found.
Never, ever has wyze told me that the problem is in the xb7 firmware.

You’ve got to be kidding, Judging by the date you joined this forum, you should know how to navigate it. @WyzeJasonJ clearly stated that this is a gradual release, right here where he announced the release:

Because Wyze was not aware that the XB7 was the issue. That was accidentally discovered by user just like you and me.

It is obvious that you are here to vent, not to get help or advice. Maybe it’s time you move on.

I never saw this thread you attached so take it easy…

Do I have to say slower for you to understand There was nothing ever mentioned about a slow release on my end.

Just FYI… puckingaround11 is not viewing the forum. They are responding to an email notification by hitting their email client’s Reply button. They can’t see anything other than your response in an email (because your replied or tagged them). For example, they can’t see my post to you unless they visit The email icon denotes this response/post method:

Try responding by email and you’ll earn the highly coveted First Reply By Email badge. :expressionless:

Nah, I’ll stick to the forum :slight_smile:

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Me too. :+1: Sorry for the frustration. I wish the feature didn’t exist, but it is what it is.

And now you’ve seen it!

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You’re probably making it more confusing because they probably can’t see your references and quotes. When responding to emailers, you’ll need to reply with raw links. I.e., put a space character before the link so Discourse doesn’t attempt to convert and insert the referenced/quoted text. Like these:

No need to apologize, and I’m not frustrated at all. Just killing time before dinner :slight_smile:


I’m frustrated reading this topic. :rofl:

It would be nice to have a “pin to end of topic” feature. Pin @carverofchoice’s post to end.


That’s beside the point. We’re talking about before that, not now[Mod Edit].
Can you just leave me alone please.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

So my question is did this problem just start in the last few weeks? My OG cams were working great, then I changed to the V4 and the problem appeared. I haven’t changed anything on the xfinity internet side.

You might have not changed anything but Xfinity did. They updated your router’s firmware without telling you.

Interesting. Does this issue sound familiar? Came across this while researching routers for Xfinity. Not only do I have the same issue with my cameras as everybody in this string does, but I also have this Hue bridge issue. XB7 is the root cause of both, apparently.


Thanks for sharing! I was sure some other things had to be getting blocked by this thing too, and your confirmation helps add evidence and assurance that the XB7 is the main culprit. Appreciate you taking the time to share that link @cperry9021 !!

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When do we storm the gates? Teach xFinComcastity a lesson!


p.s. I’m bored.

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You can find any number of things blocked by Xfinity’s “Advanced Security” if you search various forums (especially Xfinity’s forum and their reddit sub). It is garbage. If they added the ability to add exceptions (like every other security software/device has) it might be useful. Why it seems to be worse on the XB7 than others, who knows. It seems to enforce the blacklist more strictly.

Xfinity’s gateways are garbage now, between issues like this and the fact that they’ve now locked them almost completely so you can’t change settings, I see no reason to pay them $15 or $20 a month (depending on region) for one. Can have a very nice modem and router of your own and it will break even in under a year.


Oh, come on people! Don’t you see, this is clearly Wyze and Phillips issue. They should hurry up and fix the issue for all those who have XB7 gateways and refuse to replace them or bitch at Xfinity and Rogers or whoever is supplying them. (Is there a sarcasm emoji?)