Still cannot connect to my cameras when not on my home WIFI


Usually the upside-down emoji is used to indicate sarcasm/joking. But some of these others can too: Smirking Face, Winking with tongue, rolling eyes:

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I know those, I was just trying to be more literate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, I used them all, so maybe I was doing the same :upside_down_face:

Back on topic, XFinity says they generally like to replace old gateways with new ones every 2-3 years, and this XB7 was introduced in early 2020, so it’s been 4.5yrs. They’re likely to start cycling them out of use soon. I suspect that will start to happen as soon as they launch the XB10 sometime this year. If they’re planning to EOL (End of life) the XB7 this year, then they may not even bother to update them to fix the problems they have. But on the bright side, if they EOL them, then it will be easy to get a new one. So, I wouldn’t be totally shocked if they go that route after the XB10 launches.

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Who’s to say that after cycling them to XB8 or XB10 that they won’t introduce a new bug that will cripple them in some way. IMHO. the best bet is to get your own modem and router if all possible. I am going through a similar issue with totally different ISP and gateway at the moment that renders four of my cameras at the cottage useless.


Oh, I COMPLETELY agree. When I had Xfinity (not really by choice…it used to be the only option where I lived, so they had a monopoly), I went and bought my own Cable modem with better specs, then switched the DNS away from Xfinity’s (which caused countless problems all by itself). As soon as I did those things it was SIGNIFICANTLY better. I have basically always told everyone I know to ditch the stock gateway and buy a compatible cable modem (and any router) instead. It is honestly fairly hard to get a worse router than the stock Xfinity gateway in my experience…and it’s cheaper to get your own modem. Within just a couple of months it’s already more than paid for itself. Nearly all Xfinity gateways back to when I used to work for them in the mid 2000’s have never been that great.

But let’s face it, most people aren’t going to do any of that, so it’s worth hoping that the XB10 with WiFi-7 is going to make some good improvements over the past model(s). But yeah, not likely to be better than getting your own.


That’s another major issue with all ISP supplied gateways. They all use their own DNS servers that just plainly suck. I remember at one point I had their DNS servers redirect all my pages to porn and online gambling sites. I fixed the issue by changing it to CloudFlare and Google DNS servers.



Oooh… I can’t wait! :smiley:


I know some people in Xfinity’s Reddit sub were complaining that the store would not swap their older router for an XB8 unless they were on like a 2+ gig speed tier. But the stores and employees vary widely.

Xfinity doesn’t “like” to replace anything until it is negatively impacting their network. So they will replace a DOCSIS 3.0 gateway (in fact force it in many cases) but as long as the gateway is D3.1 and supports mid band with the closer channel spacing (XB6 and up I believe) they won’t proactively swap them out.

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I don’t think it’s only Xfinity, my DSL ISP replaced the crappy modem/router combo with the exact replica. Not to mention that they refused to re-connect my Eero back as it is “against their policy”.

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I can confirm that its no just Xfinity, We are having the same issues in Canada with Rogers Communication!

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Yers, Rogers uses the same XB7 gateway as Xfinity.

I was (am) having the same camera connectivity issue with Rogers with the XB7 gateway.

I was able to get around it for now by putting the gateway into bridge mode and using my own router.

That’s definitely one of the solutions since the XB7 is now just a plain modem, no way for it to interfere with data streams anymore. Are you using Xfinity or Rogers? Not sure if Rogers uses an “Advanced Security” blacklist like Xfinity does, but if your ISP does, did you try disabling it to see if the XB7 started working?

Not even a modem. It’s now a pass-through device.

Edi -

Whoops, I just realized it’s a combo modem/router device; not two separate devices.

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Right, it is a “gateway” as they like to call the combo devices now. Normal mode is modem and router combo, bridge mode is modem only, router disabled. Otherwise it wouldn’t be needed at all in this scenario.

So today I took a gamble to prove out the viewing issue when not on your own WIFI. I purchased a new OG cam, set it up and I can view it on my phone away from my WIFI, but at the same time I cannot connect to the V4. The problem is the cameras and not Xfinity. As I said before, the OG works and the V4 won’t allow a connection outside of your WIFI.

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Yeah Wyze needs to put a disclaimer on their website saying their products may or may not work. Such a disappointment.

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Can you grasp the idea that different cameras could have different chipsets ad different connection protocols and are affected differently?

I’m out of town right now and can’t view any of my 5 live feeds. Patience is running out.

What’s your point? You can’t make a camera that may or may not work. Sounds like bad product engineering