Service Advisory - 4/18/2023

4/18/23 6:59 PM PT - We have received confirmation from the Alexa team that our metrics are now back to normal. Thank you for your patience as we worked across teams to resolve this issue. If you continue having difficulty with the Alexa integration, please contact the Amazon Alexa customer support team.

2:07 PM PT - We’ve been looking into issues some customers are having with streaming Wyze Cams on Alexa devices. The symptoms of this include Wyze Cams showing as offline incorrectly in the Alexa app and live streaming not functioning correct. We’re working with the Alexa team to identify what is causing this issue and resolve it. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Am I the only one who is also having streaming issues on Google nest hub?

If you are on the v3 beta that is having issues streaming to the Nest hub, but I have not heard of others affected. This issue is specifically with Alexa.

4/18/23 6:59 PM PT - We have received confirmation from the Alexa team that our metrics are now back to normal. Thank you for your patience as we worked across teams to resolve this issue. If you continue having difficulty with the Alexa integration, please contact the Amazon Alexa customer support team.


I’m completely down now at 8:15 PM EST.

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Not sure about ALEXA but a lot of my cams have a slow blinking blue light,
They were working and I rebooted one and not its just blinking red and blue.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Wyze Cam OG not working on Web Portal