Notifications are showing up late

I had a event recorded at 8:11 pm and I didn’t get a notification till 8:44pm. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem.

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Be thankful you got yours. Before the last blitz of updates, I was only getting about 50%

I am sure there are more… But here are a few reads.

I have my cameras set to reboot themselves nightly. That seems to help a little bit.

I noticed some smartphones power management can delay notifications also, recently switched from a One Plus 7t pro to a Google Pixel 6 Pro and the notifications are much faster on the Pixel.

Swapped SIM back to OnePlus to confirm and found that the notifications are delayed compared to the Pixel 6 pro

Lot of threads on that. There are at least two different sets of per app battery optimization settings that it can help to disable.

One made all the difference in the world for me to be able to get consistent location tracking.

I am also having delayed notifications anywhere from 2 or 3 minutes up to 30 minutes. This didn’t start until the last flurry of firmware updates for me. I am using an iphone, so it’s not just android users having this issue.

Welcome to the User Forum @kcmudbug!

This is the last response on fixing this long term issue:

The firmware updates don’t appear to have helped mine at all. I am completely up to date. I just got a notification from when I took out the trash 1 HOUR and 6 minutes ago. These cameras worked good when I initially put them up around September of last year. Actually it might have been when I signed up for CAM Plus that things changed.

Notification Does not show up suddenly tiday Thursday

I understand your frustration. I have been thru the exact same service degradation as many here in the forum over the last 6 months +. FW updates don’t help, AI updates made it worse. Cloud updates with CPL made it worse.

We are all paying for a service that we are not getting. Person Detection Notifications are a critical component in the home security cam system. Wyze has rendered both their AI accuracy and notification thereof unreliable. Worse yet, they don’t seem to have any concern as they have not addressed this issue to their customers or given any indication that it is a priority.

Sad. :frowning: