Notifications suddently stopped working without any config changes

For about one year my notifications on Cam-V3 worked fine on Android. From today afternoon it suddently stopped working. Tried all checks on phone settings/notifications and Cam V3 Push-notification settings. I have the latest version and it says my cam-V3 is up-to-date.
I tried loading Wyze app on iOS and another android phone., but no notifications., but all apps are detecting the Event-motion triggered.
My relative shared his camera and its notifications are received by me on my phone, so there is no config/settings issue.
I have emailed Wyze Support., and got a response that is not very helpful (advised to do usual procecures to check notifications settings. power on/ restart etc. ) Further I was advised to do a Factory reset., which anyway one cannot do when away from the camera at a different location.
Any one else facing similar issues., if any tips to fix this?., thanks in advance.,


I am experiencing the same issue with my V2 cams. Notifications suddenly stop showing on mobile phone however, events are still being recorded in the app.


I also have the same problem after this last update 2.27.33 I’m using Apple iOS. Hope someone will fix this problem soon.

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Same here. I was just about to make a thread about it but say this one so figured I’d post on it. As of yesterday. It was a gradual process with notifications stopping for each camera gradually. I first lost notifications for one camera, then another, then eventually all of them stopped. The events are being recorded.

I’ve checked every single notification setting in the Wyze app and on my phone. All of them are set up to allow notifications. They just aren’t coming in. I also checked the Wyze App version and updated it from the Google Play Store. That didn’t fix it.

This has been a very long week with Wyze. I also just purchased Cam Plus for all my cameras and am now having second thoughts about it… First the Cam Plus features were only working intermittently. I finally fixed that by restarting all the cams from inside the app. That seemed to fix it.

Now all my notifications are gone. This is something I can’t do without as I use them to keep track of the various comings and goings by delivery people, dog walker, maintenance and landscaping, etc…

Cam Plus is useless to me if basic notifications don’t even work.


Same here. Quit getting notifications overnight. Nothing changed. iOS. here.


Regarding Wyze’s suggestion to Suresh to do a factory reset, sorry, that’s not going to cut it. ALL of my cams stopped giving notifications. That’s not a random cam problem, that’s a Wyze problem.


I’ve lost the notifications for my Cam2 and Cam3 but still have them for my Pan Cam. All are still recording the events but the two are no longer notifying. I am on an iPhone and this started last night for me.


I put in a support ticket with Wyze and included the link to this thread. It’s obviously not an isolated issue that’s only affecting one person. Hopefully they can figure it out pretty quickly.

::edit:: Well, that was useless. I got a reply within a couple of minutes telling me to update my firmware, my app, and if that doesn’t work factory reset all my cams.

Does anyone make a consumer electronics product that actually works like it’s supposed to? This isn’t limited to Wyze. Forums are full of legitimate complaints and reports of malfunctions on almost every brand and type of consumer electronics item.


I thought about starting a chat session and asking what was going on. Will try to do that later today.


Don’t know how widespread this is. My Alexa person announcements have been working so it appears I’m not affected.

In the past I’ve found restarting the camera (via a rule or remotely via the app, or via a smart plug if possible) helps a lot to reset / prevent this. I reboot nightly.

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I’m not using Alexa. I’m talking about the notifications that pop up on my Samsung Galaxy phone when an event is recorded. The tile for the Wyze app will also show a number on it indicating the number of events I have unread notifications for. None of that is happening.

Alexa is completely unrelated to this.

I’ve also restarted the cameras, several times yesterday, and updated the Wyze app this morning.

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I’m not even getting Wyze notifications regarding this forum thread. No notifications for anything Wyze.

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That’s not true. Good luck with the problem.

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I don’t use Alexa for anything. I have no Alexa devices, I do not have any kind of Amazon Home services set up. You are getting notifications through Alexa. I am not getting notifications on my phone from the Wyze app. Alexa has nothing to do with the issue I and several other people are reporting on this thread.

If I’m missing something, can you please clarify how Alexa is related to the issue being reported by numerous people on this thread?


Well, my camera notifications are working again. I guess whatever was broken was quietly fixed.

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Nevermind. False alarm. And just like that, I’m back in no notification world.

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One on my cams came back, but not the other 7. I think wyze has some problems they are fixing on their end.

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Something’s definitely screwy on Wyze’s end. My notifications are working and not working intermittently.

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Also having issues with notifications. Right now only my outdoor cam is sending notifications. I’ve tried power cycling, logging out of the app and logging back in, deleting the app completely and reinstalling, and deleting all the rules I had set up. Nothing has restored my notifications.

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Because notification triggers to the Alexa platform via the Wyze Alexa skill that result in person announcements based on detection by Wyze cameras come from the same sources as the notifications to your phone - the Wyze AI servers and resulting notification infrastructure. Again, I don’t seem affected by the current issue you are reporting. But the Alexa person announcements share something with your notifications.

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