MacroDriod not working when getting notifications in the drop-down window

I wonder if this actually started with the v3.2 app. You might want to check these topics, as well, because this reportedly quit working about a month ago:

Edit: I realize that I’m late to the party, but I wanted to share my own experience here in case it’s helpful to others, because my custom notification triggers for MacroDroid are still working as expected, as I described about a month ago, when I was still using Wyze app v3.1.5.569 at the time. I’m currently using Wyze app v3.2.1.581 and MacroDroid v5.48.13, and my macro looks the same as it did before.

Here are some screenshots that may be helpful. This first is a notification from a generic motion event:

Wyze Motion Detected notification

This is what the macro looks like:

More specifically, the trigger looks like this:


  • Apparently the v3.2 app didn’t kill my notification macros, as has been previously speculated. (Or possibly v3.2 killed them and the v3.2.1 hotfix resurrected them.) I’m uncertain about this, though, as I haven’t been a consistent MacroDroid user, and I don’t recall specifically testing this while running the v3.2.0 app.
  • I haven’t ever seen any animated notifications appear in any of Wyze’s testing of this feature.
  • I’m not a Cam Plus (or better) subscriber, so my macros are set for generic motion detection on specific cameras only.
  • As I said, I’m specifying the camera (just one in this particular macro trigger) and also using a constraint to narrow the scope of what actually initiates the action.
    • The Trigger is looking only for a Notification Received from the Wyze app, and that notification has to contain the camera’s name as assigned in the Wyze app.
    • The Constraint is looking specifically for “Motion Detected” in the notification title (“{not_title}”).
    • The Action (when these conditions are met) plays a custom MP3 file that I created using a site similar to what @NRHTX mentioned above.
  • I mentioned in another topic that getting this set up initially took some experimentation, but the options I’m showing here (what’s checked and unchecked in the trigger settings) plus the use of the constraint were what gave me the effect I was seeking, and I think being detailed and specific in setting up the macro led to my successful outcome, though I understand that might not meet everyone’s needs, especially if someone wants to use MacroDroid as a conduit to pass information along to some other tool.

I’m sharing this because I haven’t seen anyone else walk through it in quite this way (at least not recently) with these specific screenshots showing the trigger options and use of a constraint, and since it’s working for me I hope this can be helpful to someone else…at least until Wyze does some more mucking about with notifications. :face_exhaling:

2024-11-20T10:56:26Z Edit: @NRHTX, specific to your request in Post #2, I’d try setting up your macro this way:

  1. Edit the Trigger so that it’s looking for Text Content with Contains selected and then include your camera name: Front yard.
  2. Add a Constraint like this: Constraints ➜ MacroDroid Specific ➜ Compare Values ➜
    a. Leave Type as Boolean.
    b. Set Value 1 to {not_title}. (Click the to the right of Value 1 and select Notification title from the list.)
    c. Leave the = (equal) radio button selected.
    d. Set Value 2 to Vehicle Detected.

Your screens (based on what you’ve previously shared) should look like this:


  • I unchecked the Case insensitive option on the Trigger because I like being specific. You may or may not wish to leave this checked depending on your habits, and you may want to try checking/unchecking other options in the Trigger setup depending on the results you receive.
  • Likewise, I was careful to capitalize “Vehicle Detected” in the Constraint because that’s exactly how the text appears in the notification screenshot you shared in your initial post.

Try that and let us know how it goes.

2024-11-20T15:05:17Z Edit: Giving this some more thought, I realize that I didn’t actually address exactly what you’re trying to do:

I haven’t yet figured out a way to do this with MacroDroid, and I don’t know if it’s possible (but I’m still a MacroDroid newbie). With what I’m seeing in MacroDroid’s options, my thoughts were…

  1. Have MacroDroid launch a Wyze widget (using a Favorite Device 3 × 3 widget on a launcher/home screen as a means to launch the Wyze app directly to a camera’s Live Stream screen). This doesn’t appear to be an option, at least as I understand it so far.
  2. Use the Action ➜ Applications ➜ Launch Shortcut to launch the app directly to a given camera’s Live Stream. Unfortunately, Wyze doesn’t seem to expose these, though there’s a Wishlist item requesting this: Android App Shortcuts and iOS Quick Actions. (I think it’s a really good idea that could use more votes, especially since Wyze’s widgets implementation is subpar.)

I also wondered about Action ➜ Applications ➜ Launch App Activity, and Wyze does expose some of those, one of which is WyzeDeepLinkPage, so if someone could figure out the right page name and how to properly format the request, then using something like that might be a possibility. I’m not sure where to seek that information, though. Maybe a logging app, like what @carverofchoice mentioned in another topic? I would presume that if you could capture raw notification data, then that might include the deep link back to the appropriate context within the app that a user would expect to see when tapping the notification, and that could potentially be used to script an action in MacroDroid. I’m just speculating about that, though. :man_shrugging:

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