Notifications from motion detections

Hi, Yesterday my macro in Macrodroid stopped being able to read the motion detected notification’s content (title, message) from Wyze.

This has been working well for a while now.

I have the same issues on several android devices at the same time.

I can still read notification content from other apps on those same devices.

Has anything changed?

You didn’t mention which version of the Wyze app you’re using, so I would guess that you updated yesterday, and I wonder if there’s a change to the notification structure from v3.1.5.569 (which I’m using, along with MacroDroid v5.47.20) to v3.2x, because I just tested two notifications-based macros, and they both executed as expected.

I’m relatively new to MacroDroid, but this is an example of what I have set up that’s working for me:

  • Triggers
    • Notification Received
      • Contains: [the name of my camera in the Wyze app] (Wyze)
  • Actions
    • Play: [MP3 that I created for this camera notification when motion is detected]
  • Constraints
    • Compare Values
      • {not_title} = Motion Detected

That worked for two different cameras in testing right now. What troubleshooting have you done and/or verifying that any notifications settings you have in the Wyze app are the way you want them, that you’re receiving the notifications on your phone when an event is triggered, and that your variables in MacroDroid (if any) are accounting for the notifications that the Wyze app is generating?

Thanks for feedback

Wyze app version on 3 android devices (phones): 3.2.0 (580)
Macrodroid: 2 devices with 5.47.20 and one with 5.47.10

I created a new macro on each devices to remove any other possible issues in the macro.


  • Trigger
    • Notification Received:
      • Any Content (Wyze)
  • Actions
    • Log Event (Wyze): {not_title}
    • Log Event (Wyze): {notification}
    • Log Event (Wyze): {not_timestamp}

The Wyze in the Log event is just a different channel. It can stay in General.
The result in User Log under the Wyze channel as specified above Log Event(Wyze) is:

12:11:43 1729793498969

This is just to show that it parses the notification but not the content.

I have reinstalled macrodroid a few time along with the md helper.

I have done the same with a different app. I used home assistant because its easy to send a notification to a device.
The title and message were parsed correctly.

As i said, this has been working for a month, i would say, no issues. Last night or night before i noticed that i didn’t get any notifications from Home Assistant. Debugging that led me to this.
I was just wondering if something changed.

I also noticed that some wyze notification message were ‘simple’ while others had a small picture on the right and some others you could expand the notification and see a bigger image with 3 mute action ‘buttons’.

Those might be settings in the app. couldn’t find quickly. not sure its related.

Thanks for taking the time to do some tests on your side. I’ll keep investigating


You’re welcome, and thanks for including more detail. I had a couple of other thoughts:

  1. Wyze has apparently been mucking around some with notifications recently, including doing some testing of notifications with animated thumbnails, and they said recently that they were going to release a change/fix for a notifications problem with the next app update, which would now be what you got within the last day or so. I wonder if that’s related to your issue.
  2. When I started playing around with MacroDroid, after many failures (I was doing a bunch of trial-and-error instead of trying to find official documentation) I learned that I needed to :white_check_mark: Ignore ongoing notifications in order to achieve the desired effect with my macros. In my Trigger settings for Notification Received, I have the other three boxes unchecked (the first two shouldn’t affect you, since you’re triggering on Any Content and not trying to match something specific, but I think Prevent multiple triggers was likely a problem for me, so I’ve left it unchecked).

That second point likely isn’t relevant to you at all, because it looks like MacroDroid is triggering and logging events as expected, but the content that you’re trying to capture isn’t showing up in the MacroDroid log. I included it because I’m kind of thinking out loud about my own use of MacroDroid, which, like I said, is new.

I don’t (yet) have any experience with Home Assistant, but I’m getting more curious about that because I thought of a use case recently that I think would work…. :thinking:

I think that it likely has, though I’m not sure what, exactly, and I tend to hold off Wyze app and firmware updates for a week or so in order to read reports of other users here in the Forum, just in case an update introduces a new bug or some kind of instability.

I’ll be interested to find out what you learn from that!

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FYI, regarding the ongoing notification, I have that checked too. What I want to add, is that you might want to use the action Notification->clear notification->Use Notification Trigger.

For now, I decided to use macrodroid to relay the motion detection notification to HA using a webhook. It’s an http post in macrodroid towards HA. It triggers an automation that controls my security lights at night.

I wish wyze would do the simple or good thing to, at least, add an http post in their notifications settings.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks for digging up that information. It’s appreciated! If you ever want that webhook info, I’ll try to make some screenshots.


Thanks for the tip on the Action. The way my cameras and settings are currently configured, I don’t get a huge number of notifications, and I haven’t had the stacking problem, so it’s not overwhelming the notifications drawer on my phone, but I appreciate the suggestion and will tuck that one away for the future.

I appreciate the webhook offer, too, though I’m not (yet) using Home Assistant or anything like that, so I’m not sure how I’d put something like that to use.

Something you mentioned made me think I’d read about requests for HTTP calls, and a quick search turns up three different Wishlist topics that might be related to what you want, but I haven’t taken the time to read all of those.


So what you’re doing now is using notifications from the Wyze app to trigger MacroDroid, and then having MacroDroid initiate an event (HTTP POST) that triggers actions in Home Assistant? Is that correct?

And before the app update you were doing this all from Wyze motion detection events straight into Home Assistant? (I think Home Assistant can do that, but, like I said, I haven’t actually used it. I’m just curious and have done a little reading.)

This isn't really on topic at all….

I was reading earlier today that there’s a Feedreader integration for Home Assistant, so one thing that would push me toward trying it out now is the idea that I could potentially have Home Assistant consume RSS feeds of schedules for my favorite sports teams (college basketball is about to start!) and then automatically change some LED colors to team colors shortly prior to game start times. I don’t know if that’s doable, but I also don’t know why it wouldn’t be, and it seems like a fun project to try at some point.

Yes, and then, HA sends a notification to my HA app on my android phone. Pretty much a copy of the wyze one. When you tap on it, it opens the wyze app (that’s new and I’ve unsuccessful on iPhone to this day).

Not exactly.
A while ago, people were connecting directly to the wyze camera using the rtsp protocol from their local network. A different firmware for the camera allowed you do to that and was available on this forum I think. I really liked the idea because it removes the 4+ seconds delay between detection and lights on. That’s when I got my additional wyze cam pan v3 cameras. Took me a while to install them and even more to dive into HA. Between all that wyze discontinued their support for the rtsp firmware. Everything goes to their cloud now.
Some smart people did some stuff to view your wyze cam from the wyze cloud in HA. The delay or lagging is pretty bad.
I gave up viewing wyze cams in HA.
2nd best option I found is what you described above and what I currently use. It was working pretty well until yesterday or day before.

Edit: I have an old phone 1 of the 3 mentioned earlier, with the wyze app on it and macrodroid. That’s all it does now.

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Thanks for taking the time to explain that. Just from reading here on the Forum, I’m aware of the frustration over the lack of native RTSP support, and I’ve also read about people using different Home Assistant integrations that allow consumption of Wyze information, most recently in a topic that started out asking about something else and then kind of morphed into a Home Assistant discussion.

Hey, I have found an older version of wyze.
An xapk from Apkpure.

The notifications are parsed correctly by macrodroid.

There’s something fishy with the new version and its notifications.

I’ll try a few times with new vs old to see if i can repeat the issue consistently

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Good catch! If you don’t want to post a report in the v3.2 app announcement topic, then I’ll try to remember to link this one in later, after I catch up with some other stuff.

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I posted there, just now, and linked to this thread. Thanks

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I see that. Thank you for taking the time to do that and link it here. :+1:

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I just saw this, not sure if it’s related… I just got the update, and I also use macrodroid. I’ll look into it tomorrow


Is Wyzenotification a new channel for the v3.2 app? I don’t see it when I look at App info ➜ Notifications for the v3.1.5 app. What I see there getting the most hits per day is WyzeMessage, and I’ve never had to enable Pop on screen in order to get that to work with MacroDroid. :man_shrugging:

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