You’re welcome, and thanks for including more detail. I had a couple of other thoughts:
- Wyze has apparently been mucking around some with notifications recently, including doing some testing of notifications with animated thumbnails, and they said recently that they were going to release a change/fix for a notifications problem with the next app update, which would now be what you got within the last day or so. I wonder if that’s related to your issue.
- When I started playing around with MacroDroid, after many failures (I was doing a bunch of trial-and-error instead of trying to find official documentation) I learned that I needed to
Ignore ongoing notifications in order to achieve the desired effect with my macros. In my Trigger settings for Notification Received, I have the other three boxes unchecked (the first two shouldn’t affect you, since you’re triggering on Any Content and not trying to match something specific, but I think Prevent multiple triggers was likely a problem for me, so I’ve left it unchecked).
That second point likely isn’t relevant to you at all, because it looks like MacroDroid is triggering and logging events as expected, but the content that you’re trying to capture isn’t showing up in the MacroDroid log. I included it because I’m kind of thinking out loud about my own use of MacroDroid, which, like I said, is new.
I don’t (yet) have any experience with Home Assistant, but I’m getting more curious about that because I thought of a use case recently that I think would work….
I think that it likely has, though I’m not sure what, exactly, and I tend to hold off Wyze app and firmware updates for a week or so in order to read reports of other users here in the Forum, just in case an update introduces a new bug or some kind of instability.
I’ll be interested to find out what you learn from that!