No android notifications from cam v3 on motion detection in the last couple of days

No android notifications from cam v3 on motion detection in the last couple of days. I can none. I check the setting and everything was the same as it was before. I did play with I’m away and I’m home rules but they are no longer in effect.

Is there an issue?

I am still getting Notifications on Android from my v3s. I am still on Android App version v2.38.0 (153) because of the app hotfix problems with the newest app update.

Please post your Android app version.

app version v2.38,1(161)
cam v3 fw
Do I need to downgrade my app? If yes, how do I do that?

To roll back on Android you would need to have a copy of the older app software.

I have my Play Store settings set to “Dont auto update apps”. This is how i am able to stay on the previous app version.

I don’t have mine to auto-update. I manually trigger updates. I don’t think I want to go that far back.
Does Wyze know the issue?

I manually update too, but wait and check the Wyze Forum for member response to the new software. You may want to post your issue on this thread, so Wyze Team knows it is not just an IOS problem.

I found the problem. When I played with those “I’m away and Home” rules it turned off event recording off. I turned it back on and now I get event notifications.